However, Lengling felt worried again, but Ye Han coughed lightly, and his eyes returned to normal. Soon, his hands moved a little, but they were slightly weak.

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"Ling elder sister, what’s wrong with you? Want to cry? " Return to absolute being Ye Han looked at a face of concern about the residual tears in the corner of her eyes. Lengling immediately reached out and gently wiped the tears in her eyes. This was a wry smile and asked.
I heard that Ye Han’s words are obviously back to normal. Although Lengling is strong, her eyes are wet at the right time. Ye Han’s hands are away from her cheeks, and tears can’t stop flowing out of her eyes.
Seeing Lengling crying, Ye Han was filled with emotion, and at the same time, he kept thinking about what he had experienced before he passed out, trying to find a trace of the reason for his coma ~
[134] 【 Ice Adventure 】 IV
Xing yuan Jie si
Before the sudden riot, he obviously felt that the energy emitted from the energy-emitting jade in his body was somewhat similar, so he had the idea of giving up resistance
However, as soon as he was ready to give up resistance, he suddenly found that the energy in his body was even more violent, and he could not bear it for a moment, so he also gave up the struggle.
But he gave up his resistance, but did he say that giving up his resistance would disappear?
Ye Han was about to faint when he suddenly noticed that a light shot from the jade not far away instantly entered his body.
Since then, he has been aware of everything until now he wakes up and sees Lengling beside him before he knows that he is not dead.
But for that strange light blue light, he has never been able to find an explanation, and naturally he doesn’t know what that light is about.
"Good ling elder sister everything in the past! Don’t worry any more! " See LengLing tears more than sample Ye Han heart is can’t help but burst of pain and then light comfort way
At the same time, Ye Han stretched Lengling’s hand again, and a tear was about to gush out, so he was busy wiping it away and then conveniently fell on Lengling’s face.
After stroking Lengling’s face, I saw that LengLing didn’t cry again. Ye Han took back his arm and immediately stared at LengLing, lost in thought.
Suddenly Ye Han felt a surge in his chest, and his mouth was a spurt of blood, and then he blacked out at the moment.
Seeing this situation, Lengling suddenly felt another pain in her heart before she stopped the tears from flowing out instantly, even though she looked worried and shouted, "What’s wrong with you, Brother Han? You mustn’t have anything!"
It seems that when I heard Lengling shouting, Ye Han suddenly had a mild cough and turned to fatigue. I opened my eyes and smiled at Lengling. "Sister Ling, don’t worry, I haven’t lived enough. How could I die?"
After listening to Ye Hanyan’s cold face, although he was still full of anxious and painful colors, he couldn’t help but smile and nodded. "Well, I know that Brother Han will be fine!"
However, as soon as Lengling’s voice just fell, Ye Han closed his eyes again and his face gradually turned pale. Soon, people collapsed into Lengling’s arms again.
"Cold brother!" Seeing this situation, LengLing was more than I could bear. I was so excited that I hugged Ye Han tightly and shouted with a face of pain.
But this cry didn’t work. Ye Han’s eyes were still closed as if he were dead. Besides, his breath hasn’t changed.
I feel this cold ling, which is reassuring. Now Ye Han is unconscious at most, not dead, otherwise it wouldn’t be so.
The vitality of the mainland, whether there have been practitioners or not, will gradually weaken after death, and it is a sign of death until it disappears.
Now Ye Han, although his eyes are closed, looks like a dead man, but he doesn’t meet the necessary requirements of the dead. Now he is obviously still alive.
Lengling was slightly relieved when she suddenly realized that Ye Han’s body was getting colder and colder, and the degree of cold was beyond Lengling’s tolerance.
"Will it be so cold?" See this situation LengLing although some unbearable, but also didn’t put meaning is a face of worry looking at Ye Han face.
At this time, Ye Han’s face has completely entered the pallor, and he has never seen bloodshot when he looks closely, and this pallor is full of pain.
It seems that Ye Han is in pain at this time, so I don’t have to say much. It must have something to do with his body suddenly turning cold.
From the degree of cold, it seems that Ye Han’s pain at the moment is not much weaker than that of cold-eating. On the contrary, what he has suffered at this moment is that his pain in the past ten years is comparable
And the source of this cold is obviously Ye Han’s body. This shows that Ye Han is suffering from the cold at the moment.
Seeing that Ye Han’s body is getting colder and colder and his face is getting paler and paler, Lengling will show a vitality barrier around him regardless of many things, and then slowly hug Ye Han in his arms.
Look at the surrounding vitality enchantment. After feeling mistaken, Lengling just immersed her mind in Ye Han’s body, and soon she did not consider many things, so she would subtract all the clothes she wore.
When I left the bottom piece straight, the cold ling stopped, and then I removed some of my clothes and left a folded garment, which made Ye Han hug in my arms again, looking forward to this to make Ye Han warm.
However, this method does make Ye Han warmer, but it is cold torture for Lengling.
Even if Lengling hugs tightly, she is also a person who practices cold skills, and her body temperature is insufficient to alleviate the cold of Ye Han.
This cold stimulates Lengling to tremble all over, so she may as well put Ye Han away first and give up these methods at the same time.
Wear their clothes around. However, as soon as they are dressed, Ye Han’s body will shake even more, and the painful color of Lengling’s face will increase.
"Cold brother, what’s the matter with you? Have you survived the ten years of cold torture? Can you stand the cold now? " Once again, I picked up Ye Han’s body and realized that it was cold and cold. Although it was a little cold, this cold had already been concealed by her heart.
However, although Lengling was close to Ye Han, he was aware that Ye Han’s eyes suddenly moved at the moment. First, this movement was that Ye Han did not wake up in an instant. This Lengling root did not notice the abnormality.
Maybe it is because of the pain that she still loses her mind, or maybe her eyes have already been covered with tears, and the root is not enough to see Chu Yehan’s eyes clearly.
At the same time, Ye Han is not really dead. I don’t know when she has come to a place full of blue light, but it is not his body, but he is hidden in the body.
"What is this place?" Slightly looked around for a while Ye Han face suddenly revealed a puzzled color and then looked at it again, so he couldn’t help but ask himself.
"Don’t you remember the jade you saw at the bottom of the former glacier?" Ye Hanyin just fell and heard a slightly old sound not far away, but when he looked back, he found nothing.
"Who are you?" After hearing the old sound but not seeing anyone, Ye Han was puzzled again and asked
Without waiting for the other party to answer, Ye Han hesitated for a moment and then added, "Is this the glowing jade department I saw before?"

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