"Wife of shop-owner, am I here?"

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Xiao Tianyue hey hey smiled. "I brought two brothers today, and you prepared three boxes for me."
"Brother Tian, you still take care of my business. Today, whether there are boxes on the 8 th, 14 th and 14 th are all your three beauties?"
Xu Niang’s wife of shop-owner walked over to see three single businesses.
"I want to order 7 beauties in box 8. What about you two?" Xiao Tianyue took one look at "black" and "dog egg".
"It seems that either one is good."
"Black" drooled and said that all the women in this room are very beautiful.
"Yes, brother Tian, I spent my eyes. Please help me to order one casually."
Is fierce woman’ dog egg’ turned to hurriedly said
"Then order No.4 beauty and No.5 beauty." Xiao Tianyue took out his bank card, swiped the card from Xu Niang’s wife of shop-owner and said.
"Brother Tian, you go to the box and wait for me, and then you will arrange a beautiful woman to come over," said the proprietress, and then ordered a member to take Xiao Tianyue and other three people to the box.
Xiao Tianyue is Box 8′ Black’ is Box 14′ Dog Egg’ is Box No.
The box is dimly lit, and there is a bed without his things. To put it bluntly, this is the gun house.
"It’s so cool today. I haven’t played with such a beautiful woman after living for more than 30 years. There is still a future for me to follow Brother Tian."
Obesity’ black’ entered box 14, then took off his shoes and lay in bed, waiting for the beauty on the 4 th just now. Now he is in a more excited mood.
After more than a minute, the balcony door came in and a tall woman came in.
When the woman came in, she locked the balcony door and inserted the bolt.
The light in the box is a little dim, but it’s still dark, so you can clearly understand the woman who came in.
This woman is dressed in black, black pants, black boots and sunglasses.
"Beauty, you’re in the wrong box, aren’t you?"
"Black" first froze and then said with bedroom eyes, "But you are also very good-looking. If you miss me, that’s fine."
"Black" said, undressing and getting ready for a big fight. The fool didn’t know that the danger was close to him.
The woman in black is naturally the senior female agent Xiaoxiao of Guoan. Just now, she followed Xiao Tianyue and other three people to find out which three boxes these three guys are.
The woman in the special box hasn’t come yet, but Xiaoxiao came first. She didn’t speak and went straight to the black side. Suddenly, she shot the’ black’ neck.
"What are you going to do?"
The’ black’ horse cried in horror. This is really a great joy and sorrow. The woman has not played yet, but suddenly she is stuck in her neck.
"If you call me again, I’ll let you die!"
Xiaoxiao’s tight hand made’ black’ speechless!
"Meowed …"
"Black" Xiaoxiao severely stuck his neck, but he could get out of his anger and could not get into the air. His neck and forehead were blue and his face was as white as ashes.
Xiao Xiao’s martial arts is not as good as Zhou Yi’s, but it’s too simple to deal with gangsters like’ black’.
"You are nicknamed’ black’. Now you listen to me. You can say whatever I ask you. Don’t yell or you will die." Xiaoxiao’s face threatened’ black’ with frost.
"Black" also came to follow Xiao Tianyue for cheating and trafficking. Nothing happened and he had never seen the world. Now he was so scared by Xiaoxiao that he almost peed his pants. After listening to Xiaoxiao’s words, he nodded hard for fear that Xiaoxiao would not let go. If Xiaoxiao didn’t let go, it is estimated that in a minute, he would report to the Earth treasure bodhisattva or the Yan, and become a beast and never turn over.
Nod to the’ black’ Xiaoxiao hands a little loose.
Xiaoxiao’s hand loosened a little, and then he gasped and even stuck out his tongue like a dog. He never thought that such a beautiful and sexy woman with a protruding body would have such great strength that she could lock him up and let him have no resistance at all. This guy knew Xiaoxiao was a senior agent of national security and a mysterious and powerful eye of ordinary people.
"Woman, are you going to rob me? I don’t have any money. I have more than 200 yuan in my pocket. Take it if you want. Don’t kill me. I have a three-year-old mother and a ten-year-old child. No, I don’t have a ten-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. Please cut me some slack. I’m not a rich man. I’m here to play with women. It’s my friend who invited me. It’s my first time to this place. Please be kind."
"Black" said with trepidation that even the word "female Xia" was forgotten. He was clumsy to rob this guy, and he didn’t wear it himself. The clothes on the fancy road didn’t add up to more than 200 yuan. Even if others wanted to rob him, they wouldn’t look for him without money.
"You little mother-in-law believe it or not, I’ll wring your neck now. Let me ask you something. You’re asking for your own way!"
Xiao Xiao’s pink face is cold and folded, and his hand is tight. Anyway, this box is soundproof. What happened inside can’t be heard by outsiders.
Xiaoxiao hand tight’ black’ was almost the result.
Xiaoxiao threatened the word "black", which loosened her hand. If she wanted to kill someone, she could directly break the "black" Adam’s apple and let this guy die suddenly in a few seconds. Xiaoxiao didn’t want to kill koo indiscriminately. She wanted this guy to know how much crime he had committed and then decide what to do with this guy!
"Little know"
"Black" went through the ghost gate again and gasped and nodded. This time, he learned some things and didn’t dare to talk a lot of nonsense, but he still didn’t know what this tough, beautiful and sexy woman was looking for him.
"Xiao Tianyue you know?"
Xiaoxiao asked her hand to continue to control the "black" card is not so tight.
"Know" and "black" for a while and then answer honestly.
"What are you and him?" What is that "dog egg" and him? "Xiaoxiao continue to coldly ask chapter kill god to knock at the door.
"Brother Tian and I are fellow villagers, and all three of us are villages. Brother Tian came to Hangzhou early, and’ Dog Egg’ and I just came to our hometown this autumn. Life is hard, and we come out to work to make money []"
"Black" confessed that at this time, he was scared to death and dared not hide anything in front of Xiaoxiao. He was afraid that this tough guy would snap him off if he tried harder than a woman. Is this guy or does not want to tell him that he is cheating? Subconsciously, he said that he came to Hangzhou to work to make money.

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