"Oh, oh," and then he quickly went to the bag to find medicine in less than a minute.

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Jing Xue took the pill and stuffed it into Xiao Yu Min’s mouth. She drank saliva and patted her back and asked, "How? Is it better? "
"Yeah, much better."
At this moment, Yuan Xuan took a set of leisure to come in and let Xiao Yu Min change clothes and then prepare to go to Lan Bing’s night home.
Soon Yuan Xuan and Xiao Yu Min arrived at Lan Bing’s night home.
"Who are you …?" The door is a nanny.
"Excuse me, Aunt Lan?" Xiao Yu-min asked with a trembling voice, "My mother wants to call aunt."
"Ah, please come in and wait in the hall for a while," said the nanny kindly, pointing to the sofa in the hall with the road in front.
Yuan Xuan and Xiao Yu Min sat for about 5 minutes, less than that, right?
I saw a middle-aged woman who was not luxuriantly dressed and clean coming out.
Mom’s face is wrinkled and her hands are … not as rough as before
"Mom …" Shinohara min couldn’t help but shout out.
Blue Ice Rain trembled and came forward to help Xiao Yumin on the cheek and asked, "Are you Xiao Yumin?"
"It’s mom. I’m Shinohara Min."
Violent blue ice rain hugged Shinohara. "Shinohara Min, will you ask Mom to listen again?"
"good mom ~!" Shinohara Min’s tears came again unconsciously.
"Hey, Xiao Yumin, I’m sorry to hear that you called me mom again." Lan Bingyu sighed.
"Mom, is my father … Su Haochan?" Xiao Yu min asked
"It’s your father, not Su Haochan. Your father is the child’s father on an icy night," said Lan Bingyu caressing Xiao Yu’s hair.
"So … I and Lan Bing night …"
"But you are brothers and sisters," said Lan Bingyu.
"Mom when you and father what …"
"Shinohara min things don’t in the past? It’s all over, isn’t it? "
"But …" But I really want to know.
"Shinohara min, we still have something to go" Luca brasi next to press a way again.
"Alas," Shinohara Min took a look at the blue ice rain and said, "I will come to see you often after my mother."
Then he turned and left …
But it was the last time she saw her mother …
The next day, it was all over the newspaper-chairman Lan died of sudden illness at midnight. It is reported that Huaixiao high school students visited ap in the afternoon;
And there are also photos of Yuan Xuan and Xiao Yu Min when they enter and go out.
The news that chairman Lan died soon became known to many people.
Of course, many people include Xiao Min.
"Yuan Xuan yesterday, my mother said she was dead and regretted it. Did she already know that she would die?" Shinohara min said with KuQiang
"Xiao Yu Min, don’t cry. Aunt Lan won’t want to see you cry. Do you think how happy she was to see you yesterday?" Yuan Xuan comforted.
Shinohara Min wiped away her tears and then said, "Yuan Xuan let Luojing block the news and buy out all the newspapers, so don’t let Lan Bing know at night."
"If I had known you would ask me to do this, it was blocked, but I still sold a few pieces. I don’t think so."
"Eun Yuan-hyun, you and Jing Xue won’t leave me, right?"
"I won’t leave you in the snow, and I won’t" Luca brasi hugged Shinohara Min.
But then the door was pushed …
As soon as Lan Bing came in at night, he grabbed Beiyuan Xuanling and said, "Yuanxuan, you disappoint me so much!"
"I … what happened to me?" Yuan Xuan pretended not to know and said, God, how long has he been at the door? How much has he heard?
"I should have heard what you said about my mother!" Lan Bing night asked.
"Do you think … we killed your … mother?" Shinohara min looked at Lan Bing night and said
"Isn’t it? What did you talk to my mother about! She died late! " Lan Bing looked at Bei Yuanxuan with hatred at night and said, "You just killed my mother as soon as you approached me, didn’t you?"
"Ha ha I close to you? !” Luca brasi as big laughs "who was pestering me repeatedly to be his girlfriend! Who is who? It’s your Lan Bing night. "

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Alexa Liv


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