.. cn mobile phone. ㄧ k.cn support literature support 1ㄧ k! …

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When Nan Rong Magic Wooden Pile was outside the cage, a gentle voice suddenly came behind him and called him "Night Attack". Don’t look back. Nan Rong Magic already knew that it must be a black-domain main door behind him.
So Nan Ronghuan quickly tightened his arms and fingers a little bit elongated and sharpened. Nan Ronghuan also laughed and went back to his side and said with a smile, "It’s very polite. Didn’t you sneak up on me behind me?"
But when Nan Rong turned his head, he was instantly shocked that it was a woman who landed in front of him! But that didn’t sound like it just now!
And in front of this smiling woman, her skin is fair and her head is twisted with red hair, and her forehead is tied with a white hair band and her face is covered with delicate facial features, which makes her accustomed to the glory illusion of Xi Shi Zheng Dannan.
"Sneak attack? Why should I sneak up on you? " The woman opened her mouth and said gently
I don’t know that the sound of Nan Rong’s hallucination sounds very familiar, and it really doesn’t feel like a woman’s voice is far away, as if it came from thousands of miles away.
Nan Rong Magic secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. His hands behind his back have gradually stretched out a half-foot long osteotome and asked softly, "Excuse me, who is this official …?"
The woman’s face was still smiling, but there was a trace of resentment. She raised her hand and pulled a headband on her forehead and said, "You don’t remember me for the night attack?"
.. cn mobile phone. ㄧ k.cn support literature support 1ㄧ k! …
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four "Don’t don’t have seed"
"You don’t remember me for attacking my brother at night?"
That woman’s words shocked Nan Rong’s illusion like a thunder! The body shrank sharply, took a step backwards and almost stumbled to the ground.
Once upon a time, this sentence was remembered more than once in Nan Rong’s ear. Although I can’t remember it clearly at the moment, this sound and this feeling are so familiar.
Suddenly, Nan Rong’s eyes blurred as if he saw a figure approaching slowly, and it came into his mind.
The figure is so familiar, but I can’t see it clearly. The face is so close, but it is blurred, but it is far away.
Vaguely, some fragmented scenes flashed from Nan Rong’s fantasy mind, which made him see but couldn’t see clearly. I felt that the familiar sound echoed in my ears and the familiar figure shook in front of my eyes …
Who’s that? Who’s that? Nan Rong was enchanted and frightened, but her eyes widened, but in front of her eyes it was a vast expanse of whiteness, and then something dim and dim slowly flashed again.
A sound keeps talking with those shadows.
"Night attack brother, if you want to take me to fly, I will raise you up and revive those flowers!"
Have a pair of eyes
"You don’t argue with them! I’m afraid I won’t see you again! "
There is a tear.
"You kissed my brother at night without my consent!"
Have a pair of lips
"I don’t care if you go, I’ll go and we can carry it out together."
There is a figure.
"I hate you for attacking my brother at night. You make me cry too much!"
There is an inexplicable pain.
Who is it? Who the hell is this? Who is she? ! !
Nan Rong Magic unconsciously closed her arms, embraced her head with both hands, staggered back a few steps, wiped her cheek hard, and then leaned out to look straight at the woman in front of her.
"Who are you?"
"You really don’t know me?" The woman paused, followed by two beautiful eyebrows clustered tightly together, like a big sigh of relief. She left her two small arms regardless of whether she was straight or not, and strode towards Nanrong Magic.
South glory magic a surprised body quickly let consciousness taut arms at the same time in the mind this moment thinking of calm! Calm down! She’s Xiu Shi, the main door of the black domain! Whoever it is is an enemy. It’s a conspiracy!
Although I think so in my heart, actually Nan Rong Phantom is nervous. Facing this woman, he really has a complete sense of familiarity, and he can’t shake it, and he is so close. Nan Rong Phantom can clearly see the female eyes in front of him.
It was a pair of beautiful eyes. The eyes flashed with irritation and excitement, but there was no malicious look, which made Nan Rong-huan feel very uncomfortable. He wanted to stretch out his osteotome and go straight to attack, but it was inexplicable that he didn’t do it. He finally felt that he knew the woman in front of him!
"You … you don’t come here! I … I have a knife! " Nan Rong stammered back step by step, but the woman didn’t stop at all, and she still came straight towards him.
Nan Rong’s illusion was so anxious that he forgot that the woman in front of him was a scholar, turned around and pointed to the wooden pile cage behind him and shouted, "Did you see it?" Those are dead people! You’re not afraid! If you come to me again … I’ll throw you in! "
I don’t know what Nan Rong’s illusion is, but I have an intuition that I can’t hurt this woman. This feeling has never been felt before, and it is so sudden and clear at this time.
I heard that Nan Rong Phantom was so excited that I shouted that the woman really glanced at the wooden post cage behind Nan Rong Phantom. Without stopping, she raised her hands, each holding out a finger and chanting something in her mouth. Then she raised her hands above her head and held something like a jerk toward the wooden post cage behind Nan Rong Phantom.
Nan Rong’s phantom body shook, and the woman threw something at him, but her eyes kept staring unblinkingly, but she didn’t see anything. I couldn’t help wondering-what is she doing?

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