Jun ink shadow hesitated or nodded "… well"

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After saying his word, Adam’s apple was almost in the same place and was bitten again at once.
Jun Moying hummed and immediately thought sadly that he just wanted a kiss. Is this little wild cat addicted to it?
Nanyue imperial palace
Nangong Che stayed in the same posture all night, lying with his forefinger and fingertips gently rubbing against her, and sometimes he proved that she usually kissed her eyebrows and corners of her eyes, her nose and red lips …
His eyes are as deep as a black hole, staring at the woman around him, looking at that charming face, unable to find a flaw, and his heart can’t stop shaking tenderness.
He dare not sleep.
He was afraid that when he closed his eyes and opened his eyes again, he would find that everything was a dream and he imagined it.
When Redjade just woke up, she lost her mind for a moment, as if she had forgotten everything, and even her eyes were dull.
It took several seconds before she slowly came to her senses and looked at the strange account in front of her.
One second, memories poured in last night.
The eyebrows suddenly wrinkled up, and as soon as I turned around, I suddenly turned to a man with a handsome expression. You know what I mean, right?
At that moment, the heartbeat seemed to miss a beat.
There is an illusion that they have gone back to the time when they were not completely broken five years ago.
Although he seldom sleeps with her, he usually leaves after the event, but a few times still make her remember it now, but it is not so warm and affectionate that he is full of indifference and alienation, and now it looks completely different.
I can’t tell whether it means that she doesn’t want to think about it, and the eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter. There is no need to relax. Redjade gathered her eyes impatiently and stared at him straight.
"I have slept here for a night as you wish? Can you let me go? "
It’s really awkward to lie flat together, but Redjade can’t move if he doesn’t get up, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing.
It’s quite embarrassing to sleep together all the time. She really had a seizure last night before she compromised!
Nangong Che seems to have expected that she would react so coldly. Maybe she can remove layers of camouflage when she is asleep. At the moment, he miraculously has no feeling in his heart.
Or he should be satisfied.
After a five-year absence, the hug made him feel more satisfied than ever. Even her coldness, ridicule and ridicule could not match his heart’s desire.
Slender fingers rubbed against her slender bar intimately. "Will you come back if I let you go back?"
Come back?
Redjade seems to have heard some big joke, and her eyes and corners of her mouth show that she can’t hide her sarcasm at the moment. "If I come back again, I will be abnormal and have a problem!"
Let her come back and almost be strong by him again?
That time last night was enough for her nightmare!
Redjade’s face changed at the thought of this-she would not sleep when she was lying beside him, but she was probably very tired last night, so she had to sleep well every night when she had a nightmare.
She didn’t dream about the horrible scene of blood losing from her body …

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