The next day, most of the comments of the major media chose to sympathize with the defeated Napoli team. Even La Gazzetta dello Sport, which always disliked Naples and was the mouthpiece of Milan, said with emotion that the Napoli did lose a little wrongfully, but they could take away more than one point from Mei Acha, which made the big-name stars of Starlight Glimmer Inter Milan feel a little ashamed.

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The commentary title of Naples Sports Daily made Naples fans feel relieved. "Shit Referee" commented that although Naples lost the game, they could leave Mei Acha like heroes. It was an epic matchup ruined by the referee.
There have been a lot of comments on this key game, and the Napoli club also filed a complaint with the Italian Football Association about the referee’s penalty. The football association applauded the referee the next day after the game, and Lavezzi issued a fine. The Argentine league was suspended for two games and a fine of 10 thousand euros was imposed. The Football Association had to do this to safeguard the referee.
Napoli Club v. It is also conceivable that the Football Association investigated such a sensitive issue as referee.
Be careful that the "scandal" of Juventus in Serie A in the 56 th season will happen again, which is definitely a fatal blow to Serie A. Napoli can stop after failing to sue.
After losing to Inter Milan, the league ranking of Naples changed from the third to the fourth, which was two points behind Naples. The Rome round won at home, so it once again surpassed Naples and the fifth Juventus team, and the gap between points was also slightly two points. After defeating Naples Inter Milan, they once again stabilized the top position. They led the second-ranked AC Milan by four points, and the gap between Naples and Inter Milan widened to four points. It is unrealistic for Naples fans to hope that the team will win the championship, but that is not enough. They are satisfied with their current ranking. After all, they are still in the top four, and there is still hope to participate in the European Cup. Although the league is only halfway through now, they are full of confidence in this young and energetic Napoli team.
When the game between Naples and Inter Milan has not been settled and the smoke of the league has not been cleared, the Italian Cup game has come again. On December 3, Naples ushered in the Italian Cup final, and Lazio, the opponent, was coming because of the winter break. The Serie A schedule was tight.
And lazio’s Italian cup, Naples attaches great importance to the Roman police, and the police in Rome have to be prepared because of the fan riots in the first leg of the two teams.
It takes only three hours by train from Naples to Rome, where Lazio is located. In this game, a large number of Naples fans went out with the team. When Naples fans appeared in the luxurious train in Rome, they were greeted by deputy armed Roman police.
However, to the surprise of the Roman police, the Naples fans who came with the team were very orderly. They walked past the Roman police in groups, and their faces were calm, like tourists who came to Rome for shopping and sightseeing. The Roman police may not know that before coming to Rome, the Naples club specially asked Dominica to make a video speech calling for Naples fans to go to Rome to watch the game. Calm down and don’t take the initiative to stir up trouble and create trouble for the Naples team outside the stadium.
The way for Domenica to communicate with the fans is that the marketing department of Naples Club came up with it, because they found that the most prestigious city of Naples in the world of Naples fans is not the mayor of Naples or the president of the club, Dellaurentis, but the new darling of Naples, who has the "patron saint of Naples" and is called Domenica.
It is not surprising that the Roman police saw this scene when Dominica called on Naples fans to respond positively.
On the Angolan side, considering Lazio, Napoli fans won 10,000 tickets, which led to at least 20,000 Napoli fans not being able to enter the Olympic Stadium to cheer for their beloved team. However, these fans did not complain that their department gathered in front of the big screen in the square outside the Olympic Stadium and still shouted with enthusiasm.
With a three-goal lead in the first leg, Rhea left the defensive main formation in this game, and Rhea put Domenica on the bench for the first time. Because Domenica was too physically exhausted against Inter Milan three days ago, you should know that he is not a omnipotent god, although Domenica is a god in the eyes of Naples fans.
In addition to Domenico Carrea’s rotation of many positions, the bloody battle three days ago made many players physically overdrawn, and the first round caused riots among fans. Dennis was also replaced by Reya’s hidden Zalayeta as his starting player. Montevino replaced veteran Brasi, who had little chance to play in Hamsik season, and the second goalkeeper Biagio took his place on the bench. This position change is not that Lezzo is physically overdrawn, but that Rhea wants to exercise Biagio. After all, Lezzo is old, it is time to prepare later. The three-goal lead gives Rhea the courage to do so.
Without Domoni, Carrea turned the formation into his former most frequent (532) Biagio /2 grava, 21 Cannavaro, 19 savigny /4 Montevino, 1 Garavezi and 2 Zalayeta.
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and fifty-two There is still a trump card in hand
Asia has made great adjustments against Lazio, but in contrast, he is the strongest team in Lazio, which is even stronger than the first leg of both sides. Because the Argentine striker Salat, who joined Lazio in 17 million last season, appeared in the starting lineup of this game, he missed the first leg because of injury.
Three goals behind. Didn’t you give up? It seems that it will be a tough game, and Rhea thought that maybe he didn’t know that his pre-match guess was true. This game is not only hard for Neapolitans, but also harder than they imagined.
Lazio had to attack Lazio coach Delio Rossi in a big way after losing 3-0 away game, and discharged 4-3-3 to attack Carrizzo; /Radu 13 Hivilia 29 Silvestre 5 Lichsteiner; /23 Megnimori 24 ledesma /19 Pandev =; Adding a striker is Salat, nicknamed "Mr 17" by Lazio media.
Five minutes after the game, Rhea found that he had made a fatal mistake, that is, underestimating the Lazio’s determination to win the game, reverse the score and advance to the first round.
After the game, Lazio went into the attack without even making a test, because at this time, any test was false. They needed to score three goals or more in the 90-minute game, and the Neapolitan could not score again before.
In the fifth minute, they had a chance. Silvestre broke Zalayeta’s foot ball and gave it to Megni, a Frenchman who was once known as Zida’s successor. He made a "Marseille roundabout" and intercepted Montevino. This move was quite a bit of Zida’s style and delicate technology. It also made sense for Megni to be regarded as Zida’s successor. After Montevino’s passing through gargano’s crotch, a blocked ball was obtained by Salat. At this time, Mr. "170,000" showed his value after receiving the ball. Knock the ball behind him and then turn around and brush past maldonado who defended him. The turning speed is a bit slow. When maldonado turned around, Salat had already taken the ball straight to the restricted area and went. Pandev and Rocchi actively ran and pulled Napoli to defend Cannavaro. The ball failed to break Salat. Once again, Salat, a defender of Naples, kicked and shot before Domic came to make up the defense. Unfortunately, the ball brushed the crossbar and flew out of the bottom line.
Napoli goalkeeper Biagio breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn’t think it was just a nightmare when he arrived. The game became one-sided, and the expulsion of five defenders from Naples could not stop Lazio from attacking wildly.
How familiar this scene is for Rhea to laugh and cry on the sidelines! ! That’s how they treated Inter Milan three days ago, and now it’s their turn to take revenge.
Without Domenica to protect the Napoli defense line, it seems a bit fragile. Instead of Domenica, Brasi used to play for Juventus. Brasi is a defensive midfielder who focuses on defense and attacks on things, but he rarely has the opportunity to play in the season. Generally speaking, he has not played a third of Domenica’s defense line, but he is even less helpful in attacking, replacing Montevino, the old captain of Hamsik, and his ability is better than that of Slovaks who have both offensive and defensive skills. As a direct result, Zalayeta had few chances to catch the ball, and another striker Lavezzi had to retreat to the middle line to catch the ball. The poor attack also led to greater pressure on the defensive end. The cannavaros in Domic found that when they couldn’t see the familiar figure of Domenica in front of them, they actually found that their hearts seemed to be very uncertain, just like a helper wandering in a strange street. I didn’t know when they had formed a habitual dependence on the impossible Domenica.
In the 15th minute, it was Lazio who launched an attack. Pandev took the ball in the frontcourt. Now Macedonian has become the star player of Lazio. After several seasons’ training, he has grown up. Lazio’s striker is the most frightening weapon for opponents. Compared with Salat, Pandev needs to prove that he is worth 170,000 yuan. Count two killers.
Pandev’s fake shot and real buckle staggered Domic. Before Domic’s center of gravity was adjusted, it was a powerful shot at the front of the restricted area. Napoli goalkeeper Biagio struggled to pounce on Pandev and shoot the ball, but the angle of the ball was too sharp and the speed was too fast. He failed to pounce on the ball and the ball slammed into the goal with a strong spin.
More than 50,000 Lazio fans frantically shouted the name of the goal hero Pandev, and Macedonians put their hands to their ears to listen to the cheers. Until today, Lazio fans still insist that their team has been unfairly treated away from home. Today, they took out their enthusiasm to cheer for the team, and whenever Naples took the ball, it was natural to boo the Neapolitan people all over the sky. Ten thousand Naples fans cheered and were also washed away by fifty thousand Lazio fans.
One to one! ! ! ! It’s only been fifteen minutes since the game, and Naples is one goal behind! ! ! ! ! ! Rhea was remorseful at the scene and secretly blamed himself for putting the team’s top star Domonica and the second star Hamsik on the bench at the same time.
After the goal, Lazio’s offensive became stronger. Napoli’s defensive roots could not contain Lazio, which has home advantage. With the support of 50 thousand Lazio fans, they launched wave after wave of offensives. Pandev’s outstanding performance just now just played the first vigorous and powerful movement in Lazio’s offensive suite.
Biagio, who just lost the ball, watched nervously in front of the goal. Not far away, Lazio players kept throwing the ball back and forth, and 50 thousand Lazio fans shouted at the same time
The huge waves almost suffocated him, and he felt his heart tremble with the crazy cry of Lazio fans. Biagio forced himself to calm down, but he failed, and he could not calm himself down in this almost suffocating fanaticism.
Twenty minutes into the game, Lavezzi finally got a long-range shot at the front of the restricted area, but his shot did not pose a threat to his compatriot Lazio goalkeeper Carrizzo. Carrizzo threw the ball and launched a counterattack. Before the full-back Radu took the ball and assisted, he made a two-on-one cooperation with the midfielder Mauri and ran along the side to help an assisted full-back. He did a lot of things. He saw that all three strikers of the team were ready to grab the ball. He was hit before savigny blocked it! ! !
However, Radu’s low-quality ball runs smoothly in the middle of the game, and the slow goalkeeper can easily pick it in the middle of the game, and Biagio did get Radu’s ball when he attacked.
But on the spot, when Rhea was preparing to breathe a sigh of relief, a sudden change happened! ! ! ! When he got the ball, Biagio didn’t hold the ball firmly when the Lazio players forced him to grab it. He got rid of it! ! ! !
Salat, who was closest to Biagio, quickly came to his senses after being stunned. He cleverly stabbed the football and flew into the goal behind Biagio without any suspense.
2-0! ! ! ! Salat didn’t expect the Napoli goalkeeper to give such a big gift. He made a face at his teammates and shrugged his shoulders. At this moment, the Olympic Stadium has become a ball of joy for Lazio fans! ! ! One goal and they will even the total score! ! ! !
Biagio looked at the lazio player with a dull face. He was so nervous that he couldn’t even hold on to the ball easily. Now he wants to kill himself with a knife and finally get a starting chance. But there is such a low-level mistake. What will the head coach think of himself? Maybe later, I really want to wear the bench on the bench, Biagio thought sadly.
Leia, sitting on the coach’s bench with his head held, simply didn’t want to watch the game, and he was deeply blaming himself for not rotating so many important positions as a freshman.
Lazio people celebrate. When Rhea looks up, he sees the players looking at themselves and the bench. If you look somewhere, you will find that they are looking at Domenica.
Rhea looked back at Domoni Kazinan sitting next to him, and looked at him just in time. He saw the coach’s anxious face. Qinan asked in a low voice, "Does the boss need me to play?"
A simple sentence from Qinan made Rhea feel at ease. Yes! ! ! Don’t you still have a trump card in your hand that you haven’t played?
"Monica physical strength is there a problem? If you don’t warm up for two minutes, prepare for the game. "Rhea asked about Qi Nan’s physical condition.
"I have already recovered without physical strength." After that, Qina got up and got away from thick exercise. She wore long-sleeved jerseys inside and went to the next runway to do some pre-match warm-up activities.
While Qinan was still undressing for warm-up, the 10,000 Naples fans at the Olympic Stadium suddenly burst into earth-shattering cheers, and the gods in their hearts were finally coming out! ! ! !
Lazio fans did not watch and suddenly cheered. What made Naples fans so excited?
The Napoli players are also relieved to see Domenica get up and warm up. Fortunately, there is also Domenica. Everyone thinks so. I don’t know when they have involuntarily regarded Domenica as the spiritual leader of the team. Is it after playing against Rome or AC Milan or Inter Milan? No one knows. Anyway, it is in the subtle influence of spring breeze and drizzle that Dominica has become the most reassuring person.
Two minutes later, Rhea Zinan changed Brasi to make Cannavaro position slightly forward and form a double waist with Zinan, while Lavezzi position retreated to midfield, and the Naples formation changed from 532 to 4231.
Rhea’s substitution and change of formation had an immediate effect. Lazio’s attack in the last fifteen minutes of the half-time could no longer threaten Naples’ goal.
With a total score of 2-3, Naples waited until the intermission, and Rirea expressed strong dissatisfaction with the performance of the half-court team.
"Look at what you did before Dominica came at half time? Won’t you play football without Domonica? I admit that Domenica is very important to us, but please don’t form a dependence on him. I also hope that Domenica can play in every game, but everyone knows that this is impossible. He needs to rest just like you. Look at our defense line. Without Domenica’s protection, it is almost like "maginot line". Rhea paused and turned to Biagio.
"Deni (Biagio) Are you nervous?"
"well! ! Oh no "Biagio nodded, then woke up and shook his head quickly.
"I don’t care if you are nervous at half-time. I hope to see a man who can stop all Lazio’s shots at half-time. If you let me down, you know what will happen, don’t you?" Rhea threw this sentence at Biagio and didn’t see him again, leaving Biagio alone to meditate.
"Well, wake up in sleepwalking at half-time. We’re one goal ahead. I don’t want to see a goal conceded at half-time. Not only can’t we concede a goal, but we have to score a goal. Because a goal lead is always the least safe, let’s forget the lead of this goal and think that we are still behind! ! ! Come on, boys! ! ! !”
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and fifty-three Rhea distress

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