Recommend Xiangxiang’s little feet "Wang Ye is addicted to evil emperor’s little pet 1 Chapter 1 How to worry about me?"

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Jun Moying’s face was almost dripping with water, and his face was cold. He walked to Feng Shao’s side and put her in his arms and squinted at the right side. "Do you think that a dead daughter is not enough to accompany her before you dare to curse Long Si’ en?"
"I dare not!" The right-hand man kneels in panic and confesses, but he is deeply unwilling.
On the day of Rosa’s death, according to the news brought back by others, it was not long after the emperor left that Rosa suddenly didn’t want him to believe that it was a coincidence?
This matter is absolutely inseparable from the emperor!
But he can’t run to the emperor and curse maliciously-what’s more, the emperor won’t see him when he asks for him alone these days! Who knows that today, it was such a clever way to touch Feng Shao, and the witch scolded two sentences without holding back for a while. As a result, the emperor appeared at this time!
"I won’t care about you this time, but you must apologize to the imperial concubine and get her forgiveness!"
When the right phase shakes, the old face will be livid. Do you want him to apologize to a witch who is younger than his daughter? Dream on!
He bent his head and gritted his teeth hard to suppress his stomach full of fire, but he refused to talk.
"Why doesn’t the right phase want to?" There is already a hint of impatience in the ending, and he is condescending with a hint of contempt.
"… I dare not!"
After a period of silence, the right phase still held his breath and said, "The imperial concubine pardons the old minister for not bumping into you on purpose!"
He said that Feng Shao was thinking about how to answer him, and he was directly taken away by Jun Moying’s girdle.
In the distance, the white dew and frost looked at each other. Now the emperor has taken away the imperial concubine and they can go, right?
The two men tacitly saw this from each other’s eyes and went straight to Longyin Palace.
Stay right, still kneeling, punching and bleeding. "Damn it!"
"Why did you suddenly appear?" Go to the place where you are, Jun Moying has taken the trouble to directly pick up Feng Shallow and lean on his arms to carry Ba and ask.
"It’s okay. Don’t listen to that old man’s nonsense." Tilt her head and gently kiss me on her forehead. The man’s face is uncontrollable and mixed with a faint worry.
Although she didn’t say or show any abnormality, he could see that she was pretending to be calm when she was with the right photo just now, and she must be afraid.
Phoenix smiled at him. "Well, it’s okay." She nodded her head. Suddenly, in her look, she dyed a trace of worry and frowned and asked him seriously, "Jun Moying, I never asked you if you did the queen thing? Just now, when you didn’t come, you said a few words as if you meant something. "
"Yes" looked straight at Jun Moying in front and answered her affirmatively.
He is not going to hide it from her, and there is no need to hide it from her.
Phoenix shallow "ah" a more and more worried "that the right phase there will be bad for you? I think he just looked terrible as if he really wanted revenge on his daughter. "
The man raised his eyebrows and looked down at her with a laugh. "Why are you worried about me?"
"Can you not worry?" Chicken shallow gently hum a drum with a little face way
It is recommended to cherish "The Chief Husband’s Overbearing Pet: Baby Following Chapter 11 has nothing to do with our children."
"The right-wing forces are not underestimated, even if they can’t hurt you, they will definitely set off a small wave, right?"
Wen Yan Jun Mo Ying finally stopped, looked at her thin face deeply and smiled. "Don’t worry, your man won’t be so weak."
His eyes narrowed momentum sharp tunnel "they do those things is unnatural even if I kill them? The end is justice and etiquette, the people! "
Finally, he tightened his arms and sighed softly, saying, "Don’t be afraid that no matter what happens, I will be rewarded even if it is retribution."
Feng shallow face immediately changed "bah, you talk nonsense!" She blushed and growled, "What just said about justice and etiquette? Now you are contradicting me! Dog * fart retribution, you are the emperor, which retribution dares to report to your head? Don’t talk nonsense! "
Jun Moying looked at her angrily with a funny look. He didn’t believe in these things, but he only said so to comfort her.
However, looking at the little thing so nervous, my heart still softens for no reason.
Tonight is the last day for them to stay in Donglan, and they are leaving for South Vietnam on Sunday. Feng Shao is lying in bed and can’t sleep.
Your ink shadow hand over her abdomen gently touched the "why don’t you sleep? It will be very tiring to ride a carriage every day. What else do you think? "
Feng shallow didn’t answer his words, and he felt a little itchy. He grabbed his wrist and laughed. "Don’t do it. How big is this? What can you do?"
Someone gave her a look, shook her head and disagreed with the tunnel "our father is United with one heart and you don’t understand"
"I’m still connected to my mother!" Phoenix shallow is angry and funny. She told him seriously. This man is talking nonsense. "Jun Moying, how do you know it’s a father? Can this be a boy? Or do you want this to be a man? "
"It’s all the same. I have all my daughters now, but you have to have more so that our children and grandchildren can go around our knees when we are old."
"You think that children are not afraid of my pain," Feng complained softly. "Do you know how painful it is to have children?"
The man sipped his lips and slightly folded his eyelids. He seemed to seriously think for a while and finally said, "Well, after giving birth to this, I won’t give birth to you. I don’t want you to be so painful."
Feng Shao smiled. "Why are you so accommodating this time?" Drilling harder into his arms, she circled the lean waist and said softly, "I’m not afraid I’ll get used to it if I’ve been through it. It won’t hurt as much this time."
This time, Jun Moying insisted that "no, we won’t have children after you give birth to this."
He knew that she was stubborn, so he immediately changed the subject and said, "Did you just want to go to South Vietnam for the funeral?" Paused before phoenix shallow mouth and then said, "don’t worry, this time we are just a big country to make etiquette in the past, he dare not make a move casually."

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