Although she knows that the Lord killed the hidden blade all night, maybe if you go to see the protoss mother who gave you life and ability, it will shake your body and ghosts’ innate hatred. "

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Yang night listened and hesitated, bowed their heads and thought for a moment. Suddenly, they looked up and smiled. "No, the old lady is still thinking about the kinship with the Lord even if she is red. That’s because she doesn’t know that from the beginning, she and the hidden blade are the lords who planned the plot. I want to talk about who will not let it go when she knows that her feelings are being benefited."
"I hope so." Mrs. Yang nodded and thought for a while and said, "There’s still a night when you’re with the Lord …" Said Mrs. Yang, turning her head and looking at it, beside her, the Lord of the red domain hesitated and said, "Then the Lord of the red domain is in danger now. After all, the Lord knows that you are a red domain master."
Yang night a stare eyes slowly nodded that he really didn’t want to talk to the red domain Lord about nothing deep feelings, but he also didn’t want the guy in red and white hair who led him into the domain door to get hurt.
"I can’t go with you this time. The Lord of the White Domain is the Red Refinery." Mrs. Yang patted Yang Ye consolingly. "I’m going to take the Lord of the Red Domain to hide and send someone to seek revenge."
Yang night quickly nodded and said, "Old lady, you must be careful not to wake me up. I really didn’t think that you and the domain owner are in danger now."
"I’ll be fine," Mrs. Yang said with a smile. "It’s your night. Although your ability is powerful and scary now, I’m afraid you will still meet someone sent by the Lord this time. You should be a white-collar monk. Those monks are all guys who dominate the foot domain. Their strength may be far beyond your imagination-"
Yang Ye nodded and smiled, "I know the old lady, but now I’m all experts around me." He turned his head and looked at me chatting with Fu Sheng and Hong Hua Dou Tai, whispering that Xiahou Chaojun and Monsieur beaucaire Ling were bickering with each other in the scorching sun and Ci Ren Gu was in a daze, and turned around and said, "You don’t know that the old lady didn’t say Xiahou Chaojun, Monsieur beaucaire Ling, Fu Sheng, Ci Ren Gu and Hong Hua Dou Tai, and said that Nan Rong Huan and the scorching sun are also terrible now!"
"why?" Mrs. Yang is curious
"South glory illusion don’t know what is stimulated by a awakened ability rose several times and he also derived a bone armor defense is extremely strong! Quite awesome! " Yang Ye smiled and secretly pointed to a scorching sun. "And that fat man is also very strong now because he and the aquarium are alike!" According to what Guiling told me, the combination of the abilities of the two ethnic groups, Shui and Huo, will produce a powerful force! "
"Is that right? !” Mrs. Yang Lao was also surprised, and her eyes also turned to the south glory illusion and the scorching sun where she stared at each other and bickered.
"Yeah, and Nanrong Fantasy and the scorching sun have already competed with the so-called masters, that is, the smokers and the evil spirits, and they all won by a big score. Hehe, Ai You died and fled from Xiang!" Yang night said the volume slightly higher also cheerful.
Mrs. Yang Lao listened and nodded slowly, and her eyes also showed surprise suddenly! Her face changed and she said to Yang Ye, "Night! I got it! This time, the Lord of Red Refinement is likely to be sent to be the Lord of the Big Domain! "
"Big domain master? What’s wrong? " Yang Ye is curious.
"Always be careful that the big domain master is not weak. Although I didn’t compete with him, I have heard of some" Mrs. Yang looked a little nervous. "You said that the big domain master is also an aquarium! His strength is no small matter. He said that many people in the domain know that his current body was assimilated with the ancestor of the aquarium. He was honored as an aquarium before he became a domain owner! "
Yang night looked shocked, silently nodded and whispered, "We will be careful when we see the old lady."
Mrs. Yang Lao looked at Yang Ye anxiously, hesitating and hesitating before whispering, "Night, you … go and call the night raid."
Yang night one leng inexplicably nodded, wondering what can I do for Mrs. Yang Lao looking for Nan Rong Phantom?
Nan Rong overheard Yang’s night talk and walked quickly to Mrs. Yang and greeted with a smile. "Xiupo, you wanted to see me?"
Mrs. Yang Lao nodded and looked at Nan Rong’s illusion. At this time, Nan Rong’s illusion had already received the osteotome and bone armor in front of her.
"You … have the ability of bone armor?" Yang Lao lady hesitate to ask a way
Nan Rong Phantom nodded his head one after another. "Yes, Xiupo, I can’t tell what happened. At that time, it seemed that I suddenly realized something, and then a familiar figure flashed in my mind, which was like an explosion." Said Nanrong Phantom, looking down at herself and asking Mrs. Yang Lao, "Xiupo, you are also a bone clan … I haven’t recovered many memories before. Can you tell me what happened?"
Mrs. Yang shook her head and looked at Nan Rong Phantom and said, "I know that few ghosts and evil clans fought at night, because the bone clans were also involved. After the war, all the bone clans were scattered. I was also the leader of the black domain. I didn’t know you were a bone clan until a long time after I put you in the ordinary." Mrs. Yang hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Did you see the figure that flashed in your mind at night?"
South glory magic shook his head suddenly eyes a stare suddenly remind of what seems to look at the old lady Yang big asked "repair woman! Who was Yu Qiu that night? "
"Autumn at night?" It’s Mrs Yang’s turn to be surprised.
"Yes, I was surprised when I played against the smoker Piaoxiang, who exhibited the bone armor. He once asked me what it was with the bone family at night. I think my bone armor ability should be related to this one!" South glory magic excitedly analyzed.
Mrs. Yang was silent for a while and lowered her head and said, "So that’s it. Why didn’t I think of that?" She suddenly looked up at Nan Ronghuan and said, "Well, I’ll tell you that every race will have another high-powered person, such as the evil clan Jia Lanxiu, who has evolved the evil clan’s hidden blade, the ghost clan’s hidden blade, the summer clan’s Xia clan’s Xiahou Chaojun, and this night’s imperial autumn is the highest-powered person of our bone clan."
"What does that have to do with me?" South glory magic curious way
"The evolution of this racial ability can’t be owned by every kindred, and it must be related to blood," said Mrs. Yang Lao Shen. "I have no bone armor ability, but I know that a younger brother disappeared after the war between the ghost clan and the evil clan in Yuqiu this night. I haven’t seen it, but I think I have seen it now."
The words made Nan Rong stunned and slowly raised his hand and pointed at his nose. He asked, "Xiupo, do you mean … I … I am the younger brother of Yu Qiu that night?"
"There is no doubt that you can’t have the ability of bone armor." Mrs. Yang Lao must have nodded and continued. "It is also a matter of fighting against autumn at night in the war between you damn fool and evil clan. There is a person who knows better than me."
"There was a woman who loved each other deeply before Yu Qiu died, but after he died, this woman became as cold as ashes for a while, and she didn’t change until recently because another person appeared beside her, and this woman is now a monk in the red domain." Mrs. Yang’s tone was dull, but every word was smashed into a trance.
"Xiupo, you don’t mean … Lan Yao beheaded?"
"That’s her," Mrs. Yang smiled. "Night Imperial Autumn knows what you want to know at night. You’d better ask Lan Yao to cut it, but I advise you to wait and don’t cut the scar in your heart at this time."
South glory magic nodded, silent mind is a mess.
"We are all bones in the night attack. It is very dangerous to confront the Lord this time." Mrs. Yang suddenly raised her hand and patted Nan Ronghuan in a gentle tone. "I don’t want anything to happen at night, and I certainly don’t want you to be careful if something happens to your family."
Nan Rong Magic was flattered by the sudden gentleness and kindness of Mrs. Yang Lao. Of course, he couldn’t forget that every time before, Mrs. Yang Lao kicked him through the door. But at this time, he nodded silently and made efforts to sort out what he was thinking.
Throw here also excited in the red domain master south glory illusion by Mrs Yang Lao together to one side Yang night, floating life and honghuadou Thai, Xiahou Chaojun and others.
A few steps away from Nan Rong Huan, but he thought a lot. What did he think?
Oh, my god Yu Qiu is my brother this night? But before the fall of the night, my lover was a blue demon. Isn’t that my sister-in-law? But Lan Yao is now with Yang Ye! Who is Yang Ye? It’s my sister, Yunxin’s fiance, and it’s my brother-in-law! Isn’t the blue demon chop my sister according to this side? But didn’t Yu Qiu become my brother and brother-in-law again? No, no! Start again! Ye Yuqiu is my brother Lan Yaojian is my sister-in-law! This cannot be chan! Eldest brother, father, eldest sister-in-law and mother! The blue demon chop is equivalent to my mother! Huh? The blue demon chop and Yang night … Isn’t it my dad along this Yang night? My brother Ye Yuqiu died. Isn’t Yang Ye my stepfather? So if he and Yoon-shin are getting married, Yoon-shin is not my sister and stepmother? I’m not one of them …
With a weeping face, Nanrong fantasized about Mrs. Yang. In front of everyone, Fu Sheng, Xiahou Chaojun, Monsieur beaucaire Ling and Hong Hua Dou Tai nodded and said that they suspected that the Lord would send the big domain master to look for the white domain master. The idea was endorsed by the predecessors.
Moreover, as soon as the big domain came out, everyone’s face and smile were restrained, and Ci Rengu left the mouth with disdain.
Yang night observed these so as to know that these domain predecessors are all familiar with the big domain master. It makes Yang night feel less uneasy.
Mrs. Yang Lao said a few words or called Yang Ye aside and whispered, "My words at night are speculation. I really didn’t expect everything to develop so fast, and your strength will rise so fast …" Talking, Mrs. Yang Lao took a look at Xiahou Chaojun and Monsieur beaucaire Ling.
Xiahou Chaojun also looked at this side. Mrs. Yang looked at each other for eye contact. Unexpectedly, when Xiahou Chaojun was awakened by Mrs. Yang, she came over and said in a low voice in a few steps, "Yes! Red dagger, you got the divine power, but the ghost power, you haven’t got the ghost emblem on your chest, or it’s dark red! "
Guiling also came over and looked at Yang Ye and asked, "Red Bi, you already have the ghost emblem and the hidden blade. Red Lian said that you have been to the ghost energy head. Maybe you can still find it there, right?"

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