However, Xiao Wen is not a very patient person in this matter. If there is no positive fairy meeting, how can there be such a big courage to go to war with the demon race? How can we achieve such results?

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The world god alliance can win the world, and it is completely inseparable from the positive fairy society.
But for now, the fruits of the great battle will be so fully ceded to the world god alliance, and the world god alliance is likely to bite back.
This is really a rather disgusting thing.
Then, Xiao Wen finally saw the purple Yan in the virtual world, and the thing that he kept staring at was held in the hands of the people in the world. It was a brand of "Demon is the world’s honour".
"They got it. Don’t you think this brand is nothing? Why do you let me stare at it? " Xiao asked some wonder tunnel.
"I feel something again." Purple Yan Gherardini tunnel.
"What do you mean?" Xiao asked indecision.
"You’d better not get so close to the people of the World God League later." Purple Yan way.
"You tell me." Xiao asked frowning. The blind can see that the alliance of the gods is going to attack the zhengxian society.
"Then, you’d better tell the old rabbits secretly now, and all of them will hide in the fairy beast first, and try to distance themselves from the God League."
"Go quickly, it will be too late if you are slow." Purple Yan serious tunnel.
At this moment, the guy who found the demon-bound brand also flew out and rushed into the air.
Nowadays, as long as you find this brand, breaking it in public has become the practice of the world god alliance. For them, the comfort of doing such a thing is second only to killing the monster beast directly.
Speaking of it, the alliance of the gods is the only one in the celestial world. Where have you been wronged like in the demon world? Now, they can finally vent their sense of oppression by smashing those seemingly sacred brands.
Xiao asked Zi Yan very seriously. Although he didn’t know what medicine he was selling in the gourd, he immediately flew over to the rabbit’s predecessor.
In the process of telling the rabbit’s predecessors, the person who took the brand below finally flew to the sky and handed the brand to Xue Zhu himself.
This monk Dandao has destroyed many pieces of demon-bound signs by himself, but at this time, he has almost no feeling. But after all, this is a very crucial World War I. From then on, the demon race will no longer be able to rally its troops and confront their alliance, so this brand is quite meaningful.
So after a few passionate words. Xue Zhu’s right hand was raised, and the brand was broken directly and forcefully!
The golden light is broken and scattered like glass. Then the air was calm and nothing happened.
Xiao asked had been on the alert, this time is also slightly zheng, turned to look in the direction of the purple Yan, only to find the purple Yan.
Anyone here?
Looking around, still can’t find the shadow of the purple Yan, Xiao asked the heart is not hung up, heart way this guy won’t secretly WTF.
But before he thought about it, Xue Zhu over there suddenly spoke again. Looking directly at the rabbit elder, he said, "Elder, now our plan has been initially completed. I wonder what your plan will be next?"
"If the God League of the World can be kind to the people in this world and those who soar in the celestial beast path, I am willing to retire." The old voice of the rabbit’s predecessor sounded very solemn.
"Elder, by being kind to the people in this world, you mean those who have become friends with the monster beast, right?" Li Qiushi asked quietly se.
The contradiction between the two sides is irreconcilable after all. Nature is more talk more stiff, this time xiao asked where to find purple Yan, all god on alert.
At the same time, in a forest hundreds of miles away. Violet Yan stood calmly against a big tree. If an outsider saw him, he would find that his posture was actually a little feminine. If you don’t know the details, you will definitely treat him directly as a mysterious woman with lavender skin and graceful atmosphere!
At this moment, ZiYan stood up straight, turned her right palm, and more than ten golden lights lit up and flew into the air.
Then, I saw that the middle finger of his right hand was buckled under the thumb, and the slender finger had an evil aesthetic feeling, and then it suddenly bounced outward.
A finger-sized purple mountain pops up, in the middle of a golden light in mid-air.
The golden light is broken at the touch of purple awn, turned into gold Se powder and dissipated in the air.
Play again!
When the purple mountain appears again, there is another golden light in the sky!
Then the third time, the fourth time …
His movements are as leisurely as drinking tea, and the golden light that naturally rises and falls in the sky quickly breaks more than half.
Only a few golden lights are falling, and the one close to the purple Yan is still slowly turning in the air. When facing the purple Yan, you can barely see that four words are written on it.
Demons are the best in the world!
I don’t know when, ZiYan actually collected more than a dozen pieces of this brand!
At first, God Union and Zhengxian Society thought that not all the 193 demon unions had this important brand. Now, it seems that those who didn’t search out were obviously in the hands of Purple Yan.
There are still five cards left, but I still haven’t waited for the change I want. Purple Yan finally frowned. Se is a little dignified.
Then, seeing that the five brands have fallen to the height of his neck, he finally grinned silently, and then the whole right palm suddenly flung out!
This time, he should have used some kind of magical power, and then he saw a flash of purple Se light arc, and he drew from those five gold medals like a horse!
Just "wow", five brands are broken at the same time!
At this time, many people in the world God League are still searching for things in the compound of Zhenxi Demon League. At this time, the conversation between the God League and the Zhengxian Society in the sky became more and more stiff. Will soon fall out; At this time, the demon race near Xijing in Tianlan demon world is fleeing in haste; This time, the whole day haze demon race all don’t know how to live …
At this time, in the sky of another world, in front of the magnificent palace, the golden dragon on the left giant column was finally unbearable!
"wow! ! !”
The golden dragon jerked its body and made a great noise, and the huge column entangled by it obviously shook, even. The temple floating in the air seemed to shake!
"Ang! ! ! !”
The golden dragon let out a huge roar, which made the whole world truly tremble.
Then. A strange circle of golden awn rises from the golden dragon.
The golden dragon is obviously in great pain, but it still doesn’t stop. The golden awn outside it is more and more coagulated!
From the dragon’s head to the dragon’s tail, the dragon’s horn, the dragon’s beard, the dragon’s claw and Long Lin, it seems that everything has its own soul, and they are being stripped from the golden dragon together!
On the other side of the giant column, the one-horned python calmly looked at the golden dragon’s every move, but after all, there was no way to stop it, and slowly closed his eyes.
Tianlan demon world There are very few lucky people who are lucky enough to see that strange scene. Those people went to the empty Demon League compound and a faint golden light appeared out of thin air. After it became slightly solid, all those golden lights flew in a certain direction.
Not a demon alliance, but the vast majority of destroyed demon alliances.
Town west demon au there is no exception, the world god au and is fairy will see will turn against, Li Qiushi and Xue Zhu are thinking about how to layout to be fairy will be caught. Light gold light suddenly appeared in mid-air, and they were all startled.
Then, they watched the pale golden light fly to the southeast.
However, compared with the purple Yan there. What happened in those demon alliances is nothing …
The location of the golden light is spread all over the day haze demon world, and no one can accept them all at a glance. The golden light in the rest of more than 100 places is all faint, but the purple Yan is extremely solid, and the pixels are melted.
Purple Yan is also slightly surprised, and then teleported to the sky without hesitation, looking at those golden lights.
Then, he watched those golden lights turn into a golden Se streamer, and rushed to the southeast of Tianlan demon world from low altitude.
Maybe he is the best person in the whole Tianlan demon world, and at this time he stops at a very high level and has a wide natural vision.

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