? Chapter 468 The two sides showed kindness to 1

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"I have traveled in the celestial world for many years and know a lot about hidden treasures. If we cooperate, you can get more and greater benefits." Nie Yu lured others with benefits.
This time Xiao Lingyu didn’t even send out a cold hum. The cold light of silver moon’s broken knife was the best response to Nie Yu.
Both of them were covered in blood, and one …
Chapter 469 The two sides showed kindness to 2
? [Please keep in mind the domain name "w w w. t x t 8 0. c c" of this site, or search Baidu: 80-80 Electronic Book]
"Xiao teacher younger brother, targeted by Qing Xuan, the teacher elder sister, you must be careful. Although everyone is stuff, you have just come here, and there is no foundation among the clan, and Qing Xuan, the teacher elder sister, is outnumbered. If you are a little careless, you will suffer a big loss. )”
Xiao Lingyu can actually guess that Qing Gong came here to win over himself. Even if he failed to win over, he might say something about the disadvantages of Qing Xuan and the owner Qing Hirako.
"The younger brother was brought into Zongmen by the head brother?" Qing gong see Xiao Ling Yu has been silent, then changed the subject and asked.
"Brother Zhang has been closed to the outside world most of the time since he took the position of the head, and now he is forced to go through the customs because of the impending war between the two worlds. If the younger brother thinks that he is the brother Zhang, he can rest easy, and that would be a big mistake."
"Tell me, brother, what should I do?" Xiao Lingyu asked with an ignorant look on his face.
"Brother means that younger brother should find a foundation for himself as soon as possible?" Xiao Lingyu asked.
Qing Gong sighed, and saw Xiao Lingyu’s intention to move. Then he said, "Now South China Xianmen is three points, and the head brother seems to be in power. In fact, as early as last time … it was too expensive to handle the overall situation; Sister Qingyi was also depressed for many years because of the fall of Brother Qingliu. Her pulse was not supported by Brother Qingliu, and her strength was not strong. She only mastered the management of the clan, and some were just fairy stones, but not many masters. "
When Qing Gong heard Xiao Ling Yu say this, his eyes lit up and he proudly said, "To tell you the truth, I am a person from another vein. Today, among the three veins of Xianmen in South China, our vein is the strongest. Brother Qingwei of our vein is not only the late cultivation of Xiandi, but also holds the precepts of Zongmen, and is supported by many other disciples in Xiandi period. Most of the elite disciples of Zongmen scattered outside to guard various cities are our people. "
"If Brother Xiao can join us, you don’t have to be careful about everything, and you don’t have to worry about Sister Qing coming to you." Qing gong cut into the key points and said.
After thinking about it, Qing Gong felt that Xiao Lingyu didn’t really understand the general trend of the clan, so he didn’t worry. He immediately stood up and said, "Younger martial brother can usually walk around more and get to know more before making a decision. I’m sorry to bother you today, but I’ll leave you now. "
In the following days, Xiao Lingyu stayed in his attic without leaving the door, and no one bothered him again.
Now that the five-color flowers with five turns of impact have come to hand, Xiao Lingyu can’t wait to get all the materials ready.
"This should be Xiao’s younger brother who has just started, right?" The old man stood up from the pavilion and said with a smile.
"Brother Xiao, if you don’t mind, you can come and have a drink with your brother." The old man said, pointing to the tea on the stone table.
The old man didn’t seem to expect Xiao Lingyu to refuse like this, but after being stunned, he still said, "There is no need to worry too much about foreign affairs. It’s rare to have half a day’s leisure. My monks are busy practicing every day, so we still have to be happy." Brother Xiao, it just so happens that my brother has something to say to his younger brother today, and I ask him to do me a favor. "
"Since Xiao Shifi is in a hurry, I won’t beat around the bush. I am the steward of Zongmen Foreign Affairs Hall. I am looking for Xiao Shifi today to invite Xiao Lingyu to join us. Although the younger brother is just getting started, I want to know something about the situation of Zongmen. The master of our line, Qing Xuan’s pool, is the strongest in Zongmen now, and even the senior brother Qing Pingzi, the head of the clan, is a little inferior. Moreover, our pulse holds the economic lifeline of the whole Zongmen, and more than 70% of the income of Xianshi in Zongmen is earned by our responsible part. "
Compared with Qing Gong, this old man is more direct and straightforward, and there are not so many twists and turns.
Regardless of Xiao Lingyu’s strength, the treatment of disciples in Xiandi period alone is worthy of the attention of the three-pulse forces. After all, even the Xianmen in South China will take many years to get an additional Xiandi.
It may be because Qing Xuan is a straightforward person, so are her men and followers. Xiao Lingyu was also a very direct person, but at this time, he still hopes to be tactful.
"Of course, I think the younger brother can definitely make a wise choice."
Xiao Lingyu didn’t linger much. After leaving, he left the South China Fairy Gate and went all the way to the Eastern Imperial City.
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"He seems to be very cautious and a little embarrassed." The old man shook his head and said.
"That school sister asked me to come, did she see that he was short of fairy stones?" The old man asked.
"Anyway, I don’t think he is likely to join us, but it is bound to be entangled for a while."
Qing Xuan shook her head and said, "To tell you the truth, even I can’t see through him at all. It is estimated that Qing Ping’s old fox is the same. However, the last time I saw him, I always felt that he had a strange smell, which I had never felt in any celestial monk. So, I have no idea where he comes from and what strength he has. It is said that the last time he fought with a fairy emperor of Xianmen in South China, he not only didn’t do much, but also was able to melt a quasi-artifact quickly. Up to now, at least one thing can be confirmed. He has Shenhuo in his body and can hide Shenhuo in his body. His physical quality must be very strong. I guess old fox Qingping and Qing Wei’s gang all took a fancy to this. "
Xiao Lingyu didn’t actually struggle with anything. His stay in South China Xianmen was just a stopgap measure. He didn’t really want to do something in South China Xianmen, and he really didn’t want to get involved in the dispute between these three forces.
It took more than half a year for Xiao Lingyu to fly to the East Imperial City. He didn’t do anything and went directly to the branch building of mercenaries.
After out of the mercenary building, Xiao Lingyu just strolled around in those material shops in the East Imperial City.
After all, before selling sand crystals, I had already turned around in the East Imperial City, so I was familiar with it. It took only two hours to collect most of the required materials.
Chapter 470 The embarrassing situation of the descendants of the earth
? Chapter 470 The embarrassing situation of the descendants of the earth
After all, before selling sand crystals, I had already turned around in the East Imperial City, so I was familiar with it. It took only two hours to collect most of the required materials.
In a few days, Xiao Lingyu turned around the materials store in the East Imperial City, and almost all the materials that could be collected were collected, and only a few …
Chapter 471 I like sitting here, too

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