"Positions you finally can be at ease! Now that the temple is doing well, this southern Xia state will be more and more prosperous when she is in charge! "

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Sister Yue poured gold ingots into the golden basin and murmured!
Shinohara snow still does not move, and filial piety still never leaves!
It is her eyes that occasionally drift to the temple room with candle lights burning. Looking down her line of sight, you can easily see the little figure of the imperial concubine Jin Yan curled up in a ball and fell asleep!
"The temple is more exposed. Why don’t you go back to the palace and rest first!
There are old slaves here to give you a wake. It’s not too late for you to come here before the gift day! "
Sister Yue got up and bent her knees and hunched her back in a doddering manner, but her eyes were holding a certain firm color!
Wenxiaoxue wanted to refuse, but it seemed that she had already noticed her meaning, and Mammy added, "The temple of the little emperor is still young, and this place is not suitable for him to live for a long time!
Think of it as Xiao Huang, and you should take good care of yourself! Go back! There are old slaves here! You can rest assured! "
In the face of Yue Mammy constantly urging Shinohara Snow, my heart was slightly shaken!
After all, the thought of Jin Yan does have some sufferings!
In the end, Shinohara Snow still couldn’t beat Yue Mammy to slowly leave Weiyang Palace with sleeping Jinyan!
When she walked far away to her Tainvgong, Mammy Lingtang Yue also looked at the figure in the dark at the door of the temple, and her lips burst into a comforting smile!
"Temple, you won’t let positions down! This queen of southern Xia kingdom is counting on you! "
Mother Yue’s eyes show nostalgia, shaking her head slightly and turning around!
I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to see you in my life!
But please rest assured that the old slave and the position will bless you together!
In the middle of the night, Sister Zhongyue took out the long-prepared white silk ribbon from the side of the golden coffin and looked forward to looking at Xia Fei Mian inside. "I’m coming to accompany you, old slave!"
So silent in the middle of the night, so solemn, when the night wind blows outside the hall, the seats are crunchy and amazing!
It’s a pity that there is no guard outside Weiyang Palace, and no one knows that Mammy Yue died with Xia Fei Mian at this late night!
The next day, when the news that Mother Yue hanged herself in the mourning hall entered Shinohara’s snow ear, she lowered her eyelids and trembled without saying anything!
But silently let people send the spirit of Yue Mammy to the imperial tomb with Xia Fei Mian!
Xia Fei Mian Bin Tian’s funeral was a grand scene, carrying her coffin all the way from the palace into the streets of the imperial tomb, and several people bowed down and cried!
The first emperor died and the new emperor ascended the throne!
It’s only been a few days, and the southern Xia kingdom seems to have changed!
No one knows what this Tainv will do when she becomes king. Everyone is even wondering whether Nanxia will create more glory!
But just think about it!
The general trend of the day depends on the livelihood of the people, and everything is just talk and imagination!
Before the emperor was buried in the imperial tomb, the coffin was pushed by the honor guard, and at the same time, the female soldiers of Fenglinwei behind Shinohara spontaneously made way for both sides!
At this time, the shouting from behind disturbed the whole quiet world near the imperial tomb!
"What are you doing? Let me go! I am a san huang woman! "
"Third sister, what is this?"
"Third sister, you have to save us!"
Noisy noise came from Feng Lin Wei’s way. Shinohara Snow was motionless and indifferent. At the entrance of the imperial tomb, she was dressed in a plain white long skirt with a white flower and heroic spirit, but her forehead faintly exuded a rage!
"Let me go …"
Struggle for a long time all method to break free from Feng Lin Wei muzzle san huang female always broke out a sharp roar!
When the remaining nine imperial women in the palace and the other seven emperors were taken to Shinohara Snow by Feng Lin Wei, san huang women still struggled and kept shouting, "Sister Huang, what are you doing? Want to catch us all here? "
At that time, no one could guess the true meaning of Xiao Xue!
It is the first time that they have been in such close contact with the imperial tomb, but the simple and dignified atmosphere has overflowed in everyone’s mind!
It seems that something is going to happen!
"Send them in! None left! "
Shinohara Snow is still as steady as Mount Tai, and san huang’s female roar echoed outside the tomb, but she was stingy and didn’t even give her a look!
Deep and steady, standing in the same place, your eyes are not instantaneous!
"Big huang elder sister are you crazy? This is the imperial tomb. You want to send us in. What are you … "
San huang women and others looked at her with a full face of awe and couldn’t understand. They were following the honor guard to the imperial tomb when the mother emperor sent the last journey, but suddenly they were caught outside the imperial tomb by Feng Linwei!
"Yes, Sister Huang, we all have great respect for the mother emperor. Even if she dies, she will always live in our hearts!
In the imperial tomb to send her the last ride this … Don’t have to! "
The Six Emperors have always been the women of san huang!
But don’t panic at the moment!
On the same day, outside Weiyang Palace, they failed to bring Xia Xiaoxue down, but they had already started planning to bring her down!
The so-called winner king!
According to what Sister san huang said, they don’t mind letting Xia Xiaoxue be the queen for a few days!
Waiting for the spirit of the first emperor to be included in the tomb will give them more time to discuss it carefully!
At that time, Shinohara Snow Ling sneered at her lips. Although she didn’t look at them, her momentum was daunting!
"Feng Linwei begins!"
There is no unnecessary explanation and no opportunity for san huang women to question them!
Shinohara snow is so uncompromising that Feng Linwei will push all the imperial and imperial women’s departments into the tomb!
Struggling, howling and screaming, everyone’s face is full of panic and fear at this moment!
Until they have been forced into the tomb by the powerful Feng Lin Wei, they hold each other in a dilemma and look at Shinohara snow outside!
"Xia Xiaoxue, don’t you dare … the mother emperor will punish you in heaven!"
"Big emperor elder sister big emperor elder sister you have mercy! I’m never right with you again! You let us out! "
"Sister Huang, you are a living bodhisattva. Let me go!"
In addition to san huang female still daring at this time, other emperors and emperors have been terrified!
They were forced into the tomb by Feng Lin-wei, and the cold wind blowing from the depths of the tomb could be clearly felt on their backs!

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