The three-headed dog struggled to tear Cheyenne, while his sword attacked the three-headed dog’s heads on both sides. After a while of fighting, Cheyenne successfully cut off the three-headed dog’s heads on both sides, and then jumped to the left head. The three-headed dog drove the three-headed dog out of the room.

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Although the head of the three-headed dog was cut off by two, it was still fierce and still grinned at Cheyenne.
Three-headed dogs can live in this maze only to replenish food, which is probably Cheyenne’s way out of here. The three-headed dogs showed their wisdom when they besieged Cheyenne. They must have found their memory there, otherwise they would have starved to death in this maze.
So far, everything is going well, except for one thing, that is, the three-headed dog now has a very high hatred for Cheyenne, and there is no intention to move forward if he wants to twist his head and bite him.
Cheyenne took out the iron ore and melted it with real fire, then forged a fine wire tied to the three-headed dog, then stabbed it blind with a sword, and then jumped out of the three-headed dog. The wire was far controlled.
The three-headed dog couldn’t see its eyes and barked at the surrounding area for a while before it turned its head around.
Cheyenne was also worried that the three-headed dog would be unable to find a place without vision, but now he finally breathed a sigh of relief. From the current performance of the three-headed dog, it doesn’t seem to have much influence. The three-headed dog stood quietly in the passage, and Cheyenne pulled the wire far away, just like walking the dog, but he didn’t even dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing the three-headed dog with keen hearing.
The three-headed dog waited for about three minutes and then crashed into a door on the left. Cheyenne quickly followed him in. He waited in this room for a while, then went out and stayed in the passage for a while. Then he entered the left room again, waited for a while and then went out …
Cheyenne carefully observed the behavior of the three-headed dog and found that the behavior of the three-headed dog had a certain rule. It was different every time when it stayed in the room and in the passage, as if there was a certain rule. At this time, the wisdom of the three-headed dog once again stunned Cheyenne.
Cheyenne doesn’t know if there is any other way to get through the maze, but he seems to have a good chance of success when he comes up with this method.
I don’t know how long it took. When the three dogs took Cheyenne into a room again, he was suddenly surprised to find that the unchanging room had finally changed. This time there was a farewell party in the room!
Send the array!
Cheyenne had an impulse to cry for joy. He watched the three-headed dog get into the array and hurriedly followed him.
What’s behind the parade?
Cheyenne doesn’t know and he doesn’t think about it. No, now Cheyenne’s only thought is to get out of this damn maze as soon as possible.
Before Cheyenne was happy, he heard a low roar. He gasped when he saw the scene before him!
Seeing Cheyenne’s appearance, there are many three-headed dogs around. They are all facing Cheyenne’s appearance direction, grinning and drooling like they have met delicious prey. The three-headed dogs tied with Cheyenne’s wire also have the same expression.
Does Nima mean that the three-headed dog has already found himself, but he deliberately forbeared and brought himself here to let his friends rub him? The more Cheyenne thinks about it, the more he thinks about it.
There are about 1,000 Cheyenne in the three-headed dog group. If his head is bitten, Cheyenne has no doubt that he will be torn to pieces immediately. But he has seen with his own eyes that people who are transformed by resilience are torn to pieces by three-headed dogs. I’m afraid he won’t last even three seconds!
Cheyenne looked back at the close proximity. What he meant was that he couldn’t go back. In case he turned around and stepped into the maze again, he would rather be eaten by a three-headed dog dipped in sauce.
Of course, Cheyenne can’t just sit back and wait. He instantly switched to Kyubi no Youko and jumped into the dense three-headed dog body at a super-fast speed.
The three-headed dog army is like a stepping stone on the ground, and after Cheyenne turned into Kyubi no Youko, the speed superman moved smoothly at first, but soon the three-headed dog began to escape, completely isolating Cheyenne’s position and starting to pounce on Cheyenne.
It’s time to really test Cheyenne.
Cheyenne struggled like a moving target among three dogs, and three dogs around him rushed at him brazenly, trying to penetrate him like a sharp arrow, but he was crossed by his superb skills, which was naturally dangerous.
There are three dogs everywhere in this area. Cheyenne tried his best to walk through it. When he found that there were no three dogs near a pool in front, he rushed over without hesitation.
When Cheyenne rushed to the pool, the three-headed dogs chasing him stopped in order, not far away, growling at Cheyenne instead of rushing over.
"Animals come on to bite your big ye … well, bite me. I dare not! A group of worthless goods! Now watch my mouth cannon spray you to death! " Cheyenne’s hands rested on her hips and she scolded him. Just now, he came from saying "Uncle", but when he thought that Uncle Dog was 90% probably still a dog, this suspicion greatly reduced his noble status and immediately changed his mind.
The three-headed dogs were scolded and didn’t answer back (maybe they really speak English). They just gloated and looked at Cheyenne.
Xia Anlai still doesn’t understand what these dogs and grandchildren are gloating about, but soon he will be white!
Maybe it’s hard to see others. When Cheyenne saw the pool next to him, the light flashed, and then a black demon wind emerged from the pool, and then it condensed into a thick black cloud on the pool side, and it rose higher and higher. In the blink of an eye, Cheyenne’s head became overcast with dark clouds, and the purple mans moved like a snake.
A flash struck the ground, shaking it violently.
Cheyenne’s feet shook and he almost didn’t stand firm. He looked up at the blackened hole not far from him with horror and immediately flashed to the side because a purple flash was falling towards him.
As soon as Cheyenne moved, the snake immediately bombarded Cheyenne as if it had found the target. He stood still until the flash was about to touch him. Cheyenne suddenly slipped away for nearly two meters like oil!
When Cheyenne didn’t stop, another cluster flashed more rapidly towards him! He glanced around the three-headed dogs, but there was no flash, as if those flashes were aimed at him. He realized that the three-headed dogs were not near the pool
There is a flash near the pool, but it is impossible for Cheyenne to go out because he is surrounded by flash. If he wants to go out, he must go through flash baptism first.
"Click click!"
Flash pours nonstop. As time goes by, Cheyenne’s physical exertion is increasing, and he has some unconscious reactions.
The bombardment kept falling, and Cheyenne couldn’t remember how many times he had escaped the lightning bombardment. He felt as if he had collapsed, and the whole person seemed to have just been fished out of the water and sweated like a stream dripping to the ground.
Another cluster of purple flashes is that the speed and strength have increased a lot compared with before.
A purple flash of "Zi" rubbed Cheyenne’s left body and caused paralysis, which made Cheyenne’s body stagnate slightly. His right foot fell obliquely backwards on the ground.
Immediately after the flash, a three-meter deep pit in Fiona Fang appeared on the ground, but it quickly recovered and leveled, as if the root had never appeared.
Xia Anshen knelt down and gasped violently. The clothes soaked with sweat dripped with glittering and translucent water drops from time to time, but he left a trace on the ground.
Cheyenne is breathing hard, his muscles are sore and he keeps waking up. He needs to rest.
What the hell is this place? I’m afraid I’ll be bombarded by this lightning strike, and there’s no residue left!
Like being angered by Cheyenne, the sky clouds suddenly surged wildly, and the clouds hit several flash thin mans in series to form a thick flash column!
In an instant, the gray world was lit up by flashes, and all the flashes were corrected into a giant flash column with a diameter of more than five meters. The target was Cheyenne!
Cheyenne looked up at the terrible flash column, but before he could scold it, his mind turned sharply. When his eyes fell on the pool, he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes like a weak lamb who met a gangster and jumped to be continued.
Chapter 44 Peasant woman robbed of eggs
Cheyenne diving pool’s mood is about to be robbed. There is no difference between the egg farmer and the woman.
That black demon wind caused the thunder to come out of this pool. It is conceivable that it is definitely not kind, but Cheyenne doesn’t want to be struck by lightning. There is a way to escape by jumping into the pool.
Of course, Cheyenne also knows that it is very likely that he will walk into a trap and be struck by lightning and die alive in the pool, but if he is on shore, he will definitely die because he has tried his best to avoid the most powerful flash column.
There is water in the pool, which is naturally nonsense. After Cheyenne entered the water, he didn’t encounter any crocodiles and monsters biting and the overhead flash didn’t hit the pool. This made him feel a little relieved and opened his eyes only to find that there was a door with light on the wall of the pool.
Cheyenne struggled to get close to the door, and the tentacles where the light was shining were very soft. Cheyenne went in without any effort to cut off the water outside.
Even if you find Desa’s lair, be careful. There are dangers everywhere.
Cheyenne heard voices in his ears and his body appeared in a dark and silent land, surrounded by dark fog, which could make Cheyenne pass through extremely limited places. At the same time, he saw a languid tree blocking the way ahead, with a few black leaves and an oval fruit at the top. The whole tree was as depressed as grass dried by the sun.
What the hell is this?
Cheyenne just took two steps forward. As soon as he got close to the strange tree, he saw it as if it were inflated. His body was instantly straightened, and only the blades suddenly spun like a sharp gear. The elliptical spherical object suddenly turned bright red and opened like a giant mouth and suddenly bit Cheyenne.
Man-eating tree, a terrible carnivorous ancient tree, has a place where it can step over its body.
After the blades rotate, the cannibal tree spreads out like a flash, and the giant mouth at the top has a circle of teeth. When the giant mouth is opened, even five Cheyenne can be swallowed.
Although the cannibal tree can move, its trunk can bend and expand at will like a spring, and no matter whether it is heaven or earth, it can escape its prey.
At present, this man-eating tree firmly occupies the narrow entrance. If Cheyenne wants to continue to walk in, he must rush through the position of the man-eating tree, but the giant mouth of the man-eating tree is flexible and abnormal, and it can expand and contract in the trunk, so it can attack all targets passing by it in a dead angle.
Cheyenne retreated immediately when the cannibal tree appeared, but the trunk of the cannibal tree quickly stretched and bent, and the serrated mouth directly attacked Cheyenne. There is no doubt that the cannibal tree is powerful and its spring-like flexible trunk can attack all enemies in the whole body at will.
On how powerful the cannibal tree is, even if it costs a lot, Cheyenne must destroy the cannibal tree to avoid its huge head. He has done everything he can to reach the limit. Kyubi no Youko speed has also been put to use by Cheyenne, but even so, Cheyenne has passed the giant mouth of the cannibal tree two or three times.
There is a strange black mucus in the mouth of the cannibal tree, which seems to be able to dissolve everything quickly. Although Cheyenne escaped in a moment after being swallowed by the cannibal tree, he still inevitably got some of this black mucus. If he gets stuck in this mucus, his equipment will be dissolved.

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