Here, Zhao Yulong and Cousin Xiang Wangdian are talking enthusiastically.

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The shopkeeper over there has invited Jing Wang Shi Xiao Huang to sit down and ordered people to serve tea before telling Xiao Huang that Ann slowly went into the full-fledged Xuan Hall to get the second jade.
All the people in the beautiful porch sit tight for a while, but not many people dare to talk loudly, and they will be surprised. Wang Shi is here. If their nonsense makes Wang Shi unhappy, it is likely to be a disaster, and people will not talk much at this time.
Xiang Wang Dian and Zhao Yulong also stopped at the right time. Xiang Wang Dian raised his eyebrows and looked to one side. Xiao Lei smiled slowly.
"Wang didn’t know that Xiao Huang likes to visit jade shops, too?"
Xiao Huang raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "I don’t like visiting jade shops, but I will come in when I see Xiang Wang accompanied my fiancee to buy jade."
He looked at Su Wan, who had been drinking tea quietly, and said unhurriedly, "Ladies, ladies, choose a good report later. If you don’t have enough money, you will lend it to him."
Su Wan’s eyes were steep and her fingers were dark, and her consciousness moved a little. What does this mean? She had a feeling that he didn’t like the Xiangwangdian very much. She didn’t believe that he would not know how much Xiangwangdian didn’t intend to spend on her.
But anyway, she was glad that someone was the suckers. Su Wan nodded with a smile. "Ok, I’ll buy some pendants to put in my room, and some decorative jade to put in the drawing room. In addition, I’ll buy some sets of jade heads myself and then I’ll buy some fine jade to give away."
Su Wan said more and more happily, smiling like a flower. Everyone could see that she was happy.
However, Xiang Wangdian’s face is getting more and more ugly. It is a lion’s mouth that has to choose so many things with one mouth. Fortunately, he asked the shopkeeper to bring it over earlier, so even if she chooses a few more, it won’t cost much.
Xiang Wang Dian breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of this, but at the thought of what Xiao Huang said, an anger rushed in and stared at Xiao Huang quickly.
What does this guy mean, he wants to lend him money and let this fool choose this damn thing?
"Xiao Huang, when were you so generous?"
"Who told us to share the same surname as Xiao? Of course, this is not generous, and I didn’t intend to send money to the report. I just lent it to the report."
Xiao Huang said that a pair of beautiful eyes are as dark as black jade, as if the night chill is all over the fundus.
He gracefully reached for the table tea and drank his own tea without looking at Xiangwangdian.
The hall was quiet for a while, and the king’s face changed a few times. Finally, he gnashed his teeth. "Xiao Huang, the king still has something. You really think too much."
Xiao Huang carrying tea gently looked up at Xiao Lei "is it? That’s good. I’m just worried. I’m afraid you don’t have enough money to go back and get it. If you are delayed, won’t it be a big joke? "
King Xiang Zheng’s eyes narrowed involuntarily, and the cold and dark mans were reflected in his eyes.
Yes, he did. If Su Wan’s choice of things was too outrageous, he said that he didn’t have enough money to go back to Xiang Wangfu to withdraw money, and he wouldn’t come back then. He sent someone to say that he had something to do, so that he wouldn’t spend money or offend Su Wan.
But Xiao Huang actually knew what he was thinking, not only knowing what he was thinking, but also coming to stop his retreat.
Damn thing
Xiang Wang clenched his hands for a long time before he suppressed his anger.
At this time, the shopkeeper came up with the tray, and two guys followed him all the way with the tray. Of course, the tray was covered with red cloth, and no one could see anything in liquidation.
The shopkeeper led the people all the way to Su Wan and said, "Miss Su took the best jade from the shop. See if you like it."
When the shopkeeper finished, he lifted the tray and covered it with red cloth, and the man also lifted the tray and the red cloth revealed all kinds of jade, including jade pendants, bonsai, bracelets, earrings and all kinds of jade.
However, this jade is inferior to others at a glance.
Many people in the hall laughed and breathed a sigh of relief when Xiang Wangdian saw it. Zhao Yulong around him also ticked a mocking smile and slowly turned around and looked at Su Wan.
Sue wan looked at the shopkeeper’s tray and slowly got up.
Xiao Lei, the assistant king beside her, said gently, "Wan Wan, do you like it? These are all beautiful things. If you like them, choose a few to take back. "
Su Wan’s eyes flashed with sarcasm. Cold Mountain Xiao Lei, I will definitely make you wish you were dead. You not only hurt your predecessor, but now you are going to humiliate me. It’s death.
Su Wan’s lip angle flashed and sneered at Jing Wang Shi Xiao Huang behind her. Naturally, she also saw what the tray in the shopkeeper’s hand was put in. The whole body was slowly filled with deep and remote cold eyes, and the anger flashed and she stared straight at the shopkeeper. This hateful thing didn’t even let go of a stupid person.
Xiao Huang was about to order Yu Ge to lift this shop behind him and hit all the jade articles in this shop, so that the shopkeeper can cry, dad and mom.
Is Xiao Huang hasn’t ordered Su Wan to stretch out his hand and take a jade bracelet from the shopkeeper’s tray.
Xiao Huang couldn’t help saying, "Ladies, if you don’t like to let them take it and exchange it for another one."
Su Wan cast a glance at Xiao Huang. Although this guy was hateful before, what seems to be biased towards her now?
Of course, Su Wan knew that if this guy knew about her, he was afraid that he would turn against her immediately.
Su Wan smiled at Xiao Huang and then toyed with the jade bracelet in her hand and walked all the way to the man behind the shopkeeper. She looked at the tray in the man’s hand while playing with the jade bracelet in her hand.
Everyone in the hall is looking at her. She is choosing things.
Some people don’t have the heart to secretly blame Xiang Wangdian and the shopkeeper for bullying Su Jia, which is a public humiliation, but it is too much 2.
Of course, there are still a lot of people who have a sarcastic smile in their eyes, and their lips are full of irony. It was a fool’s eye to see that she had chosen it with joy.

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