But once there are one or two bright spots, it can often decide the whole wave of team battles, because this is something that professional players can’t think of, and maybe those players can’t think of themselves, so they just feel like they are doing it on the field.

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I didn’t blame Zhong Yi.
Even if she’s behind the scenes.
But in fact, she didn’t take the blame. She did her best.
Besides, she is my girlfriend, my woman. When a man has something, he turns the pot to his woman and blames his woman. What eggs does this man have? Be worthy of being a real man.
A real man should be silent at this time. I want to make up for my woman’s fault by myself.
In normal times, my mentality may explode again this wave, but I know that I have a sense of responsibility now and a sense of responsibility to support the inferior situation.
"I’m sorry, Wang Tong …" Zhong Yiyin’s voice was very small and wronged, and her eyes were very scared and afraid that I would blame her.
"Don’t be afraid to lose with me," I said to Zhong Yi with a smile.
Zhong Yi’s nose is sour and his eyes are red. It seems that his mood is a little unstable.
"Hey, why are you crying so much now?" I’m a little worried.
Zhong Yi bowed her head with red eyes and said, "Don’t talk nonsense where I cried … I am … yes …"
I said, "I see, there was really nothing just now, and you didn’t see what I was playing. Do you know the background story of Lucian? Lucian’s wife was killed by a hammer stone, and then Lucian turned grief and indignation into a real holy gun. Do you know what I want to say? "
Zhong Yi nodded neatly and said, "Well! I know! "
I gave her a smile and continued the long game.
Although we lost the dragon, we are actually fine.
Because our little dragon is already the fifth, the five people opposite have the big dragon BUFF, but we all have the five dragons BUFF in the wild ADAP, and our fighting ability is very strong.
Five dragons BUFFVS big dragon BUFF is definitely better than five dragons, but there are three of us who have the BUFF effect, so we are still in a five-five situation.
"Let’s hold a group and have a guerrilla war," I said to others.
Now, except for the auxiliary facilities on both sides, everyone is a six-grid god outfit. Now, there is no need for anyone to take the line to contain it. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the lines should not be piled up too much.
Our array is actually very mobile, and we are very happy to see the opposition of the wild group bombers. Just like rats, once the position is bad and the flank is cut, the continuous output is limited, and their group battle is almost dark.
But they did a good job in the wild area and didn’t think with our group.
We ground the second tower across the road, and then the highlands will definitely not go. We retreated one after another and waited for a little dragon.
This little dragon must be fighting on both sides.
We took the lead to the location of Xiaolong. If we get this dragon, it will be a new round of Wulong BUFF. Before we have this, we will have strong hope.
"I pull the dragon out. Should we give priority to the dough or the dragon?" Yu Mu asked us
"Priority group!" I said firmly
"Line" Yu Mu should be a.
Yu Mu and Chen Yi pull the little dragon out, and the four people on the opposite side are stirring at the blue BUFF.
"Wait for the factory director?" I said.
"The factory director is behind the blue BUFF wall! He wants to come around from the grass here! " Yu Muxing Road
I said, "The director wants to rob the dragon! Xiaolong’s priority is less than that of the factory director. The factory director is coming to our department to stop the fire. Xiaolong puts the fire target on the barrel! "
"You really don’t want this dragon?" Yu Mu said
"Don’t! It doesn’t make much sense for them to take this dragon and only have two dragons. Although we took away the five dragons, if we leave the factory director and force them to fight a wave, it will be a wave! " I said.
What is the meaning of the Five Dragons?
The meaning of the Five Dragons is to win.
Since I have a way to win, what’s the point of taking the five dragons or not?
"It’s a bit risky. I’m afraid of running across the street," Yu Mu said.
"They won’t run, they will grab the dragon, and if we don’t have Wulong, they will definitely fight with us. Besides, Chen Yi, you should pay attention to whether you want to keep someone or anyone later, even if they really don’t fight, you must force them to fight," I said.
I feel that this wave of team battles is the most important and has great opportunities.
The reason is that because the factory director is far away from them, the factory director wants to take risks and grab the dragon instead of giving us five dragons, so what if I give him a dragon as he wishes? When we have enough time, we will torch him for a second when he grabs the dragon.
Xiaolong has a third of his blood left.
Opposite and the factory director finally unbearable.
The factory director came in directly, and we stopped at this time. The excavator immediately drilled into the ground, but he didn’t use it. He kept it because the factory director would definitely blow us up and then grab the dragon.
Sure enough, the factory director’s e skill came into play, and then a big move blew us up. The big move threatened AD greatly. His big move blew the big tree and the remaining wood to the right and blew Aishi and me to the left. This big move didn’t play a team role. He wanted to grab Longyuan. When there was no dragon, Xiu Zhongyu was so amazing.
After the factory director entered the market, none of us were fighting the dragon. With his output alone, he wouldn’t go to Xiaolong. A Xiaolong would definitely not be killed, and the factory director might also be surprised by what we did. We immediately turned around and fled, and the dragon wouldn’t be robbed.
But he turned around for a moment and was stunned by Zhong Yi’s Q skill. Then I added Yu Mu or Ai Shi’s four-person output department and hit him in the barrel. Although it is now loaded with meat, I haven’t taken a meat that can resist the six gods’ AP and AD for about five seconds. He was already exported by us from the moment the barrel entered the market.
Barrel dead
At this time, Chen Yishu beat the floor and made a big move. The scope of the field showed that he was carrying four people across the street and wanted to forcibly keep the opposite.
Because the factory director died, I had a Q skill, a little dragon, and then Yu Mu took the little dragon away with a punishment. I was lost with a W skill and ran as fast as a dog. I immediately rushed to the front field to support Chen Yi.
Chen Yi also can’t carry the output of the four people across the street. After being beaten to a pulp, the limit flashes out and he takes a breath. Yu Mu, a meat shield, digs the ground and flashes in the past, jacking up Naer’s wheel mother’s hammer stone department!
Annie immediately flashed at this time and stunned the opposite side with a big move.
I immediately sent QAWA round and my mother died directly.
Nall woke up and flashed and pushed me towards the wall. I was stunned. At the same time, the bomber threw a big move and Q skill at my feet. At this time, the bomber output exploded. I was hit by Nall’s skill, and my blood volume was less than half. I was going to eat the bomber’s two attacks. I would die.
But my mercury directly solved Nall’s dizziness in a second, and then an E skill plus a flash perfectly escaped from the bomber’s control, and two general attacks were A to the bomber.
Bomber’s instantaneous blood volume is less than half. E skill throws me off, and Lulu gives me a big move and E skill.
Bomber’s partition flashed on my partition, and a W went over to make a big move. Bomber was killed by my partition, and I finished the double kill!
The hammer stone in the rear has been taken away by Lulu, and the resurrection armor has been knocked out. Except for the big tree that was killed by the bomber’s previous big move, none of the other four people died!
As soon as Nall was resurrected, he was captured by my Q skill Gap.
Complete three kills!
The field shouted FD2!
Chapter 446 Advance to the playoffs
Then we didn’t dare to delay the resurrection of the dead light across the street for a moment. For 60 seconds, we came to the middle road across the street. The crystal directly resisted the tower and took the opposite side away!
We breathe a sigh of relief!
"This game has been played for a long time …" Aishi also smiled.
Zhong Yi said, "Fortunately, it’s better to make a mistake in the opposite direction, otherwise there may be a fight."

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