"Sister Sai." Shaw five directly reached the little sister’s side and stretched out his hand. "I’m going to rob your light mirror as early as when you found it. I can’t wait until now." If you want to end this early. Just give it to me. "

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The little sister hesitated and looked at the expressions of four women’s anger. After all, she handed the light mirror to Xiao Wu. "Xiao Wu remembers your Chen Nuo."
"You don’t need to worry about this." Xiao Wu handed the light mirror to the fox and went to the fire phoenix. "Are you ready?"
Fire Phoenix nodded firmly. "I have been preparing for this moment for a long time."
In the siege of Xiantao City, Xiao Wu got the Inner Dan of the Eight-armed Ape and the Armored Crocodile. Three of them were sent to Xiantao City after the war. Now all he needs is an Inner Dan of the Beast God. And the fire phoenix’s Suzaku Neidan is the most suitable animal god Neidan. With the immortal flame body of the fire phoenix, even if the beast god Neidan leaves the brain, it won’t do much harm to her.
"Then let’s start." Xiao Wu stepped back several steps.
Nishang and Yunshang suddenly separated from the fire phoenix’s body, and the naked fire wind slowly walked to the middle of the open stoping, and when they stood still, they suddenly ignited a raging flame from her. At least the temperature in the mountain clearing immediately became hot.
The flame is getting higher and higher, and gradually the fire phoenix is completely submerged in the line of sight, and the fire phoenix can no longer be seen.
With a hissing sound, a bead of the same color as the flame rose from the flame and slowly drifted to Xiao Wu. That’s Suzaku’s inner Dan. Xiao Wu took a deep breath and prompted the metal power to wrap his palm with metal elements before he caught Suzaku’s inner Dan Rao. As soon as Suzaku’s inner Dan entered his hand, the burning was still very obvious.
Xiao Wu’s other hand took out four ten-level monster beasts that had been prepared long ago, and Dan Shen shouted, "Mei Er! Start casting spells! "
"ok!" A string of extremely complicated mantras followed from the sandalwood mouth of the sycophantic son. A moment later, Suzaku Neidan in Xiao Wu’s hands and Neidan in four ten-level monster beasts were suspended, and the light mirror was also suspended. A shining six-pointed star array miraculously emerged.
The slow light mirror rotates faster and faster. Corresponding to it, a black vortex suddenly appeared in the depths of the sky, and its running speed was as fast as people thought, and it spread to half the sky in a blink of an eye!
Thunder rumbled and lightning struck wildly!
I can’t imagine how powerful the light mirror is, but it’s right in front of me. It has created a miracle!
As the charm of the sycophantic son is read faster and faster, the vortex in the depths of the sky slowly descends and goes straight to the heads of everyone …
The Xiantao City below is in chaos. Xiao Wuzao suggested that there was any abnormal phenomenon. No one in Xiantao City was allowed to go out of the city when Xiantao Mountain could not handle it. Where can Lantiande sit still under the huge black whirlpool in front of him? He immediately ordered the soldiers and civilians in Xiantao City to leave the city.
But at the critical moment, the black vortex suddenly stopped in mid-air. By itself be sycophantic son suddenly spit out one mouthful blood fell to the ground. At the same time, the dazzling six-pointed star array dimmed, and the light mirror, Suzaku Neidan and four ten-level monster beast Neidan also stopped rotating, and everything was still.
What’s even more bizarre is that the sky suddenly began to snow, and in an instant, the green peaks were shrouded in a piece of white snow.
The flame on the fire phoenix quietly weakened and her body gradually emerged. It is not difficult to see from her painful expression that she was badly hurt in this sudden change!
Xiao Wu’s eyes locked tightly in the sky and suddenly cried, "Damn it! It’s coming! "
In this situation, except Qinglong Xiao Wu, I can’t think of anyone who dares to challenge the two gods of Hongye Tree and Five Clams at the same time.
As handsome as ever, the green dragon flashed from the sky and reached the top of Wonderland Mountain the next moment. As soon as his feet stood on the capped rock, a layer of frost at his feet spread around fiercely, covering the whole fairyland mountain in an instant! The mountain, which used to be green and covered with grass, suddenly swept away and turned into a white world of ice and snow!
The absolute domain of Qinglong!
Fire phoenix’s flame is still burning, but it is conceivable that it is quite difficult for her to burn in this kind of ice and snow.
The simultaneous action of the red leaf tree and the five clam gods is also an absolute field.
At the extension of the divine power of the red leaf tree, the leaves and grass have emerged from the first melting of snow and ice, and countless flowers of different colors have blossomed on the grass.
At the extension of the divine power of the Five Clams God, the cold wind suddenly swept away the sky, and the temperature around the empty space on the top of the Golden Mountain gradually warmed up.
"Not bad," Qinglong laughed. "Looking for two garbage gods to fight with me, huh? Do you want to win the time to open the light mirror?"
Xiao Wu did not argue with Qinglong. "Can you hold on, Mei Er?"
"I can!" Get up from the ground, be sycophantic son began to speak and suddenly another mouthful of blood gushed out.
"Useless Xiao Wu" Qinglong suddenly released its three beast gods Neidan "Do you know why I didn’t kill you when I was resurrected? What I am waiting for is this opportunity today, the only one of the four patron saints, Inner Dan and Four, plus the Light Mirror, all the worlds and all the spaces will be controlled! "

Chapter two hundred and twenty-six Kill the war
The three beast gods Neidan quickly spun up and their divine power spread wildly around. The scope of the absolute realm of the red leaf tree and the five clam gods gradually narrowed, and the branches and grasslands that had just revealed new buds suddenly became a world of ice and snow!
Qinglong laughed and said, "Two garbage gods dare to play absolute realm in front of me. When your land disappears, you will die in my absolute realm!"
"I’ll kill you first!" Xiao Wu suddenly rushed to Qinglongyuan’s power armor and hand knife, and he had already guaranteed the heart of death in order to win precious time for the sycophantic son to continue casting spells.
"Husband!" How can a sycophantic son cry out sadly that she doesn’t understand Xiao Wu’s intention Quietly, two lines of glittering and translucent tears slipped down her cheeks.
Qin Kerr, Xu Qingqing and Tang Lan at the same time one leng soon each a loud scream also pounced on tsing lung. We agreed to die together long ago.
"It’s no use. You will always die, but not now. I want you to witness the greatest moment!" Tsing lung’s arms suddenly closed, and three animal gods, Neidan, followed its gesture and became a string.
There is no action to fight back, but Xiao Wu, who is swooping, can’t move forward. Qin Keer, Tang Lan and Xu Qingqing behind him are also frozen in the cold current with a momentary pause. With the exception of May Day, everyone’s feet, whether Xiao Wu or Qin Keer, Tang Lan or Xu Qingqing, are frozen by a thick layer of ice, and what they have to do is no longer to attack Qinglong but to resist the terrible cold current that can make them die!
The Red Leaf Tree and the Five Clams Great God have been hit by the same cold current. The absolute fields of the two gods have not formed any confrontation with the absolute fields of Qinglong, but they are struggling to support themselves from being broken through the last line of defense by the cold current.
There are also Huolie, two flower fairies, Landor, little sister Jasmine Tashai and Huofeng, all of which are frozen except for a little flame burning. Nishang and Yunshang belong to liquid metal goblins, which are protected from the cold current, but they can’t do any harm to Qinglong’s next underground action. Just trapped beside the fire phoenix to guard her.
Tsing lung this just jumped down from a height and walked around to be sycophantic, and looked up at the light mirror suspended in vanity and rosefinch beast’s inner Dan expression. "For more than 10,000 years, I have been thinking about taking the inner Dan of Suzaku’s animal god as my own, but the property of the immortal fire phoenix makes me unable to think about it now." With the light mirror as a containment, plus I killed her parasite with a cold current. I can get it perfectly, and at the same time, I have four patrons, Neidan. Hehe, who else in this universe can be my opponent? Hmm. Lin Lei is so easy. It’s not challenging at all, alas … and it’s a success? Ha ha ha … "
The only thing that hasn’t been frozen is standing in the six-pointed star array, which provides her with a limited shelter. Just when Xiao Wu was frozen and Qinglong jumped off the capped rock, she read the last spell to start the secret method.
Be sycophantic son voice very gently only she can hear, but her geocentric is firm enough. Xiao Wu, Qin Keer, Tang Lan and Xu Qingqing won this precious time for her, and she grasped it …
Tsing lung’s laughter also stopped at the same time.
When a person is arrogant, he often ignores some small links. A god is so smart that he can’t be too clever. There are times when he is negligent.
Qinglong’s negligence is to be a charming fox.
In Qinglong’s eyes, even a thousand sycophants can’t do him any harm. But this sycophantic son holds the secret method to open the mirror of light. And it is in the process of starting, in the six-pointed star array.

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