"No, it’s definitely not Han Tao. nine planets is a woman except me. This Han Tao can’t be nine planets!" After listening to Yan Xin’s words, Ye Han was busy denying that others might not know nine planets’s secret, but he did know that this nine planets Lord was a man except himself.

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Although there may be many problems in a hundred years’ reincarnation, it is absolutely impossible to change nine planets’s dominant gender. It is absolutely impossible. He admits that there are men in nine planets besides him, and he will not believe it if he is killed.
But judging from the current position of the stars, this nine planets pendulum is the iceberg, which makes it really hard for him to understand why this desolate iceberg will appear in nine planets.
"I am white!" Ye Han didn’t want to understand, but Lengling didn’t listen to her self-affirmation. Then she smiled wryly, "Han Er, do you remember the woman I killed at the beginning?"
Hearing this LengLing Ye Han face suddenly revealed a little bit suddenly color busy nodded, "yes, how can I forget her? Since Han Tao can’t be nine planets, the only possibility is her, and he is also a woman, which is in line with nine planets! "
"Said Ye Han paused again and then said," No, nine planets has only one person left besides us. But I remember that the person I fought at the beginning was a cold practitioner? "
"Uh …" After hearing what Lengling said, Ye Han also thought of this. Although he didn’t play against the woman at the beginning, he also knew that she was a cold practitioner. Don’t say that he felt the chill from the other side when he was holding the woman.
But if that’s the case, then she doesn’t conform to the last nine planets’s main identity. A cold practitioner can’t stand the nine planets Ling Yu Yi Yan Ling Yu Zhong Yan Qi to be completely integrated, which is even more impossible!
"If it weren’t for her, who would it be? There should be no one else on that iceberg! " After all, Ye Han was not sure that the owner of the last nine planets Lingyu was the woman. Besides, the woman was already dead at the beginning. How can the 19-star master be a dead man?
"Ha ha, cold son, you don’t have to worry too much about who the Lord nine planets will be when we find her out, don’t you? Are you still worried that nine planets’s clever jade hand will find the first nine planets master? " Listen to Ye Han this LengLing busy smiled to say with smile
After Lengling said so, Ye Han might as well nod. Yes, although there is still a way to know who this first nine planets is, after all, nine planets Lingyu still wants to identify the other party with this last nine planets Lingyu in his own hands. It is also a matter of time. When the time is right, it will be clear at a glance.
However, since Lord nine planets is looming, there will be a little more concern for him. Before nine planets has finished appearing, he may be able to go as he wants, but now it is different. He wants to have one more person, that is, Lord nine planets, who has not yet appeared.
At present, all the arrangements are bound to change. Originally, he was going to set up the Xingyuanmen to develop it, but now it seems that although this plan cannot be changed, it is necessary to go to the ice sheet at the same time to find out the last star owner and complete this gathering in nine planets.
Nine planets is the first safeguard for Ye Han to set up Xingyuanmen. He must first find the Ministry back. Only in this way can he have the confidence to fight against Qingzong and Bingling City. Besides, he has no support.
Although a hundred years ago, the four elders of Yan Yunmen are now in the realm of Yuanxin, but after all, it is the four elders who have failed to master everything in Ye Han’s hands. Besides, the Sun, Moon and Yuan demons are now stirring and will rush out of the place where the wicked are banned. He must find nine planets as soon as possible, and even if the law defeats the Sun, Moon and Yuan demons, they can be suppressed with the help of nine planets serial array.
As the saying goes, he must consider nine planets as the first. Without nine planets, he thinks he still has too many things to finish. If nine planets breaks the ban before looking for the magic of Qi, Sun, Moon and Yuan, it will be too late.
"Well, it seems that we have to speed up everything. When Laner’s identity was leaked out, it proved that the Cold Forest Sect had already noticed our nine planets. If we don’t find the last star soon, we can’t predict what will happen!" Hesitated for a long time Ye Han this just bitter sigh said.
Listen to Ye Han, Lengling and others’ faces also reveal a bit of worry. Yes, Laner’s identity was discovered by ice city experts at the beginning. If this last star was discovered by them and fell into their hands, then everything would be terrible.
For these Laner, I have a deep understanding. At the beginning, she didn’t know that even if she died, it was nothing, but now it’s different. She knows that she has to save the sky on her shoulders. She already knows that her life is precious and that she must never die.
The same has not yet appeared, and the first nine planets is about to appear. If it is also known by others, the first step will be to take it away or maybe kill it. Then nine planets will surely gather, and who can come out to save the day instead of her?
"The cold brother we pick up what should I do? Shall we continue to form our Xingyuanmen or go to find the first nine planets? " As soon as nine planets knew the secret a hundred years ago, Xiaoli’s heart was not less worried than that of the audience. What would happen if nine planets was absent for a while? He also knew best. At this moment, she couldn’t help but feel very worried because of the tight schedule.
Naturally, even if the time is tight, it is not without time. The problem is that arrangements should be made to avoid all the bad consequences.
【 617 】 【 Dilemma 】
According to Ye Han’s original idea, it is natural to look for the first nine planets while establishing sects, but it seems that these two things can’t be synchronized. Now, if you want to establish Xingyuan Gate, he must be on the spot, but you can’t look for the first nine planets without him, and he has no separation. Even if you want to do it together, there is no way 【
When faced with Xiaoli’s question, he can keep silent for a long time before listening to his wry smile. "Since nine planets has appeared, we must find it as soon as possible, but now it is urgent to establish the Xingyuanmen. I think we should put aside the search for nine planets for two days, and then we will find the third nine planets when we preliminarily solve the Xingyuanmen problem!"
Listen to Ye Han so arranged daughters suddenly a silence, now everyone knows that the situation is in a dilemma. If they decide to be in their hands, they will surely Ye Han’s decision to approve nine planets is important, but the situation is that Xingyuanmen seems to be more important.
Xingyuanmen is the first step for Ye Han to control the vitality of the mainland. Although it is very difficult for this sect to grow without nine planets dialect, if we don’t get things done now, even if we find nine planets, it will surely make Xingyuanmen method set up.
Delay may be what they need to worry about most now, but if we want to think about it carefully, if we put aside the sect for the time being and go to find the first nine planets dialect, I’m afraid it will be more than just delaying the establishment of Xingyuanmen. Now the whole mainland knows that the influence of Yejia is gradually growing, and if it is formed into a sect from time to time, it will certainly cause many unnecessary troubles.
They may not be at ease with his small forces, but after all, there are still ice storms in this mainland. After the change before the Singapore Festival, I’m afraid they have long been eyeing Ye Jia. If something goes wrong at this time, it must be Ye Jia who suffers.
The natural leaf family has a protective barrier to protect these crises for the time being, but what about those small factions that may become a part of the future Xingyuanmen forces outside? They don’t have the boundary protection like Ye Jia. How can they live?
Let them forget, they may be able to escape the influence of Yan Qingzong and Bing Lingcheng, but now it is different. Not only Yan Qingzong but even Bing Lingcheng knows that this force of Yejia will probably become a strong force in the mainland in the future. If this force is not really developed, they will definitely try to win over all the forces left in this mainland.
In this way, the Xingyuanmen is facing a devastating test. If these small forces are not quickly formed, they will surely be taken away by various means of Yan Qingzong and Bingling Chengli, and those who don’t leave any future trouble for themselves will surely be destroyed by them. Even if the Xingyuanmen is formed, it will not really grow up.
It is precisely because of this that Ye Han now feels headache. On the one hand, he has to find the first nine planets as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he has to worry about the future development of Xingyuanmen. It is really difficult for him to make a choice.
However, after weighing, he still thinks that the development of Xingyuanmen is more important. Although it will be difficult to find the first nine planets in the future, he believes that nine planets’s power is inseparable, so he will choose Xingyuanmen first and think about the future.
The daughters naturally have no objection to this. Ye Han nodded at them and said, "Well, let’s go home. If possible, I’m afraid we’ll have to work hard to set up the Xingyuanmen early in the morning!"
All the girls nodded in agreement with his decision when they heard it, but when they heard Lengling, they sighed bitterly, "Oh, I hope nothing will happen to her, or we will be troubled by more things in the future!"
"Ha ha, don’t worry. Since there are nine planets in the world, I believe they will not be scattered in difficulties. Didn’t we go through all kinds of difficulties to get together?" Ye Han smell speech immediately easily laughed
Then he suddenly hesitated again. After a while, he continued, "Now let’s wait for the nine planets incident and wait for the Xingyuanmen incident to stabilize, and then we will look for the first nine planets!"
"Well, that’s all right. In that case, I’ll listen to you!" After hearing what Ye Han said, Lengling immediately threw away all the troubles in his heart and nodded at him and laughed.
Ye Han nodded and looked at Yan Xin and others to see that they all looked at themselves one by one, apparently waiting for their orders, so they couldn’t help but laugh and say with smile, "Why are you so stiff? We are both husband and wife. If we have been like this since then, how can we live a life as a husband and wife? "
Ye Han’s words are outstanding. Even if his face changes, Ye Han’s words may not be understood carefully, but if you understand them carefully, there will definitely be some unusual illusions that couples should have a life. What is that? I’m afraid even stupidity can be white!
Daughters are not stupid and natural, which is more white. After listening to Ye Han’s words, all their faces can’t help but show a bit of embarrassment. Ye Han can’t help but move his eyes when he sees his heart, and he seems to be attracted by what a charming landscape.
Temptation is definitely a temptation. All the women are beautiful, even if they don’t dress up, they are very charming. Now they are ashamed of their faces and instantly become fascinating. Ye Han, the only person who is fortunate enough to enjoy such a beautiful scenery, is naturally deeply fascinated.
"Ahem ….." After a pause Ye Han gently coughed two times, then suddenly looked back and looked up at the sky, only to smile at the girls. "It’s getting late, let’s go back first!"

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