It seems that the Lord really needs a woman now

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But the Lord likes Su Wan. Does he want to catch Su Wan?
But Yu Yin is just thinking about it. Because Su Wan is too sharp, and with so many powerful hands around her, it’s impossible for him to catch her as an antidote. He’d better go out and find a woman.
Jade hidden flicker blunt go out.
His front foot just rushed out and his back foot Su Wan and Yun Ge quietly killed Xiao Ye with two people. Two hands stripped off two hand clothes, but Su Wan was too short. The black dress was swaying and mopping the floor. No matter who saw it, she could see that she was a fake.
Finally, Su Wan figured out a way to sit on the purple jade shoulder by himself. Two people wore a suit together, although it was a little tall, but fortunately, it was dark and no one understood this.
Su Wan and Yun Ge simplified a makeup and then two buildings. Of course, Su Wan is sitting on the purple jade shoulder building.
In her people temporarily stay in the inn.
Su Wan and Yun Ge, dressed in black, rushed to the door and pretended to be in a hurry. They shouted, "Hurry up and see how Yu Yin’s adult hasn’t come back to the temple yet. He can’t wait."
At the sight of Su Wan and Yun Ge, the two men in black in front of the official yamen came over and quickly stretched out his hand to stop their way.
The first person shouted, "Where is anyone going?"
Su Wanwang has always said in a rough voice, "We are Yu Yin’s adult hands. What are you?"
Su Wan raised her hand and knocked at the first person. Before that person could react, she drank loudly. "Didn’t you see Yu Yin’s adult going out? The temple is interested in finding a woman’s temple tonight. Let’s rush you to stop something. Do you want to live?"
The hand was beaten and was annoyed when Su Wan said that he was a jade hidden hand. You know, jade hidden is a red man around the temple, and they just obey orders, and not everyone has seen it tonight.
But look at this person’s arrogance. It should be the hand of Yu Yin’s adult, and Yu Yin’s adult was really worried before.
"You 111"
"You what you get out"
Sue wan raised my hand and dialed the black dress person and Yun Ge, who flickered out and rushed behind him. The black dress person was beaten and drunk by Sue wan, but at that time, it was a little unresponsive to watch them leave.
When Yun Ge and Su Wan went out, the men in black felt that something was wrong. The fact is that he didn’t know these two people. Even if they were waiting around the temple, they shouldn’t be unfamiliar with "living".
Su Wan knows where the people behind him react. Stop and wink at Yun Ge. Yun Ge stretched out his hand and pulled Su Wan and Ziyu, and they both cast their flying skills and ran.
Black dress person behind the reaction to come over and shout; "No, there’s a prisoner running away. Come on, there’s a prisoner running away."
When did Su Wan roll her eyes when they became criminals and made your sister?
However, the three men did not dare to stop running forward, and the black dress person behind them threw all his strength into chasing after them.
Su Wan ran and worried that one of them might have a miscarriage because she was pregnant.
Yun Ge naturally worried about this and cried as he ran, "Shifei is not as good as going home. If you run like this again, you will be afraid of the 111."
Yun Ge dare not think about the consequences of this matter.
Su wan shook her head firmly, although she was also very distressed by herself, but compared with Xiao Huang’s 30 thousand soldiers’ lives, she turned her back
The three men ran after a large number of men in black with all their strength. The scene was spectacular.
However, Su Wan’s and Yun Ge’s fears did not come true, because Yun Ge’s three people ran wildly for a while, and then suddenly there was a whirlwind in front of them. There were several figures floating like thunder and lightning in the night.
When people didn’t get there first, they were frightened, frightened and uneasy.
Sue wan a listen to the in the mind suddenly breathed a sigh of relief Xiao Huang he should catch up.
Xiao Huang received a child.when Xiao Ye surrounded the official office with people, he quietly left the camp with several hands to save Su Wan without a moment’s delay.
Although Dengzhou magistrate Chu Liunian sent troops to surround the camp, who is Xiao Huang if he wants to leave?
If you want to leave, it’s easy. In a short time, his officers and men can surround him.
Xiao Huang rushed to Su Wan’s side and hugged Su Wan with a big hand. His mouth was angry and reprimanded, but every sentence made Su Wan warm.
"You’re desperate to rush like this. It’s really a sight that gives me trouble without your side."
"Don’t stay anywhere alone in the future. Be sure to stay with me."
Su Wan’s nest Xiao Huang’s arms listened to him reprimanding Ruan Ruan and replied, "I know you won’t do it again if you are angry."
Xiao Huang listened to her soft words and couldn’t say how much she loved her. She did it because she was worried that he was worried about the lives of thirty thousand soldiers.
But he loves her even more.
"Every time, I will tie you to my side and keep you away from me, so that I won’t be confused if I’m not around."
Xiao Huang must keep an eye on this girl after he has made up his mind. He is really scared to death when he is not around.
Xiao Huang, holding Su Wan, displayed her flying skill, winked and floated out dozens of meters away, and Xiao Ye brought her hand like their opponent.
This time Xiao Huang took the men in black and led them to Dengzhou for three times. When it was dawn, he dumped those men in black and went straight to the camp.

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