Jiang Hanyan opened his eyes and looked at Su Peng, then screamed and pointed to Su Peng. "Su Peng, you ungrateful thing, who are you responsible for today? How important are you yourself? You are a coward and capable person. If it weren’t for me, you could make suggestions. You could be an Anguo Hou Fu Hou Ye. You could climb to the top of the Ministry. Can you be a favorite in front of the emperor? Su Peng, you are a cruel and heartless guy. "

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When she finished, she burst into laughter, crying and laughing, and then cursing, "You and your black-hearted and cruel eldest daughter are family. She is so cruel and poisonous that she is your first daughter. I Xuan and Yue are not your children. Are they not?"
Jiang Hanyan is crazy and screams. Su Peng’s face is black and ugly.
Although Jiang Hanyan said that he was a fact, Su Peng felt ashamed that the angry flame in his heart soared. He glared at Jiang Hanyan coldly and drank, "Poisonous woman, you killed Xuan, and now you are crawling around like a mad dog. Do you have any shame?"
Jiang Hanyan seems to be crazy and pounced on Su Peng. "I’m crazy, I’m crazy, and I want to fight you hard."
Su Peng raised his foot and kicked Jiang Hanyan towards her, and he kicked him away. Then he stared coldly at Jiang Hanyan’s mother and daughter and turned around and walked away, never paying attention to the crazy two mothers and daughters behind him, while Mrs. Su and Mr. Su followed Su Peng to walk away.
As she walked along, Mrs. Su muttered, "Unfortunately for my family, unfortunately for my family."
Behind him, Jiang Hanyan watched everyone go crazy and rolled like crazy, crying, "Su Peng, you ungrateful little man, you love rat, I will kill you and poison you."
Out of the house, Su Peng heard Jiang Hanyan’s words and suddenly thought of talking before Su Wan, which made him tremble.
At this moment, he believes that Jiang Han smoke can really poison him. What should he do? There are many in this waiting house.
Many people in the house belong to her. If she wants to poison, it’s almost easy. What can she do?
Su Peng without sad a face of worry, to his hospital.
Mrs. Su, Mr. Big Lady and others went all the way to Xifu, except that they had been invited to the house earlier. The doctor hurriedly led his own people to slip away. The doctor dared not stay in Beijing for the night.
Everyone in Su Xuan’s room in Luomeige has left, and even people have gone out. Mrs. An Guohou and Su Yue are left in the room.
The two mothers and daughters wept bitterly, and Su Yue sobbed while crying, "Mother, what would happen like this?"
She said here, desperate and crying. Once upon a time, their family loved each other so much, but now what is this?
Jiang Hanyan clung to Su Yue, and now she has her daughter alone. She won’t let anyone hurt her daughter again. Jiang Hanyan suddenly stopped crying. She was strangely calm, but the hatred in her heart didn’t decrease. She put Su Yue’s hand to dry her face and tears for Su Yue. "Moon, don’t worry about everything. I won’t let the culprit, Xiaoyao Niang, who made us so miserable, solve this matter."
"But mother, she’s so fierce. There are so many people protecting her. Now even dad is 111."
Su Yue’s words haven’t been said yet. Jiang Hanyan suddenly changed his face and cried sharply, "He’s not your dad. He’s not never been. Don’t call him dad."
Su Yue was dazed when she knew that her mother hated her father now, and she also hated nodding. "The moon knows that he is not my father, he is not even as good as passers-by."
Jiang Hanyan helped Su Yue get up and then the mother and daughter sat down in a side chair.
Jiang Hanyan has a strange light in his eyes and a twisted sneer in his face.
"Are they really bullying us? Then they are wrong. I won’t let it go."
She finished her eyes and looked at Su Yue gently. "The moon has gone to rest. Everything has a mother. Nothing has happened."
Su Yuexin Jiang Hanyan’s eyes slowly calmed down. At the moment, she couldn’t say how tired she was. She nodded and got up and walked out slowly.
Jiang Hanyan watched her go into the children’s room immediately after leaving behind, but this time she didn’t cry, she just sat in front of her bed and looked at her.
"Xuan’s mother will avenge you. She will avenge you. I won’t let that bitch and them go."
Jiang Hanyan’s eyes gave off green light, and soon she got up and wrote a letter to the side of the room. After the letter was written, she immediately called out a dark guard around her and ordered, "You send this secret letter to Quyang non-stop and hand it to your grandfather."
"Yes, madam." Dark Guard was ordered to flicker and walk.
Jiang Hanyan watched the dark guard in the room and felt that the whole person had collapsed after leaving. Generally, tears could not stop flowing.
Outside Anguo Houfu, a group of people walked all the way to Tingzhuxuan corridor, but after a long walk.
The person in front stopped to put his arms around his chest and turned to look at the person behind him. "What have you been doing with me? Do you expect me to praise you?" I remember it as if you were going to get involved. "
Sue wan looked at Xiao Huang behind her with tall, handsome and fine eyebrows.
Xiao Huang’s cool and charming face is bright and deep, and his lips are curved.
"Ladies, your heart is so cruel. I’m hurt."
Xiao Dashi stretched out his hand over his chest with a face of being hit.
Su Wan said with a smile, "Yes, I’m here because it’s not normal for people who are cruel, heartless and black-hearted. If my heart is not cruel and my hands are not spicy, it’s not justified, is it?"

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