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Sue wan said you’re welcome at all. Muqian didn’t believe her coming from the hall. She staggered all the way to Sue wan’s nose and said, "Who did you say was drunk? Why do you think I am drunk when I am good? "
She resolutely refused to admit that she was drunk, but her swaying body showed that she was really drunk, otherwise she could shake so much.
After she finished, she went to the side of the hall to vomit, and the ladies were eating. How could she be so sick that she was forced to interrupt the banquet? The old emperor looked at Muqian and was furious, but she couldn’t look at the side. Empress Wu Xianfei said, "You send her back to Qixia Temple and order people to take good care of her."
Wu Xianfei got up and led several ladies-in-waiting to reach out and hold Muqian to send her away all the way.
When Muqian was away from Su Wan, Gherardini looked at her leaving figure, and then Hehe smiled and wanted to sit down. She felt dizzy when she moved her head. At this time, she realized that she was slightly drunk. It seems that she can’t drink too much wine. This time, the wine she touched was just a calculation. Muqian dared to provoke her, and she naturally didn’t call her better.
Even if she does it for a purpose, she can’t do it because she just can’t suffer.
Su Wan’s face is not good-looking. Aunt Bai naturally saw the previous step and asked, "Is Miss dizzy?"
"Well, it’s a little."
Su Wan nodded and muttered, "I’ll sober up when I go out later."
Several people in the hall paid attention to Su Wan and naturally saw that Su Wan was a little drunk for a while. At this moment, the old emperor sent a message, "Well, let’s end the banquet today."
As soon as the old emperor’s words fell, all the ladies, the emperor and others in the hall got up and sent the old emperor off.
When the old emperor led his father-in-law Lu to the outside of the temple, he stopped and turned around to look at Su Wan. Su Wan’s cheeks were reddish and his eyes were slightly drunk. Think about it. Can two little girls spell three glasses of wine without getting drunk? The old emperor looked at the nearby sitting Hui Wang Xiao Qing waved to himself.
Hui Wang Xiao Qing quickly came up "father"
"Qingling County Master seems to be drunk. You are responsible for sending her home."
When King Hui heard of it, he was naturally happy and quickly sank his collar. "I know my father, don’t worry."
The old emperor ordered a head to go out, and Su Wan looked at the old emperor with slightly narrowed eyes. Did she have such a good friendship with him that she was drunk and asked Huiwangdian to send her?
I’m afraid that this person will move again and want Hui Wang to marry her.
If you can’t kill her, he will let Huiwang marry her first. Just because Huiwang marries her doesn’t mean that you can’t kill her. Most opportunities are always the old emperor’s vengeful. He can’t be her.
Su Wan knows this well. She has never been lucky.
Hui Wang Xiao Qing has strided over. He walked to Su Wan and looked at Su Wan warmly. Su Wan also looked up at him. The atmosphere of the two people could not be said to be complicated. The people around him dared not blend into Hui Wang and Qingling County.
And some of your daughters can’t help but look at the crowd. Yuan Jia’s face is very ugly, but she goes out with others without saying a word.
She is not only disappointed with King Hui, but also angry.
Hall Su Wan and Xiao Qing looked at each other for a while, and then suddenly interrupted his lip corner to hook up a sarcastic smile. Did this guy forget what she did that day? But also because of his desire to calculate her, she and Xiao Huang fell into the secret passage. Although there was nothing to say later, at the end of the day, he and she were not pure. He could still say that sending her with such a straight face was a thick face or a deep calculation.
Su Wan slowly got up and looked at Xiao Qing and said, "No pains, Wang Dian sent me a present. Since someone sent me, Wang Hui would better go home."
Xiao Qing felt bad in his heart, but he also knew that Su Wan was so because of what he had done that night.
Xiao Qing stepped forward and walked to Su Wan’s face. His voice became softer and softer, and he said softly with a touch of low voice, "Wan Wan, what happened that night was that Wang did something wrong. Wang apologized to you. Can you forgive Wang? The queen will neve do anything wrong to you again. I hope we can be that same as before. "
"As usual?"
Su wan seemed to hear a joke, and her eyes were clear and undisguised with sarcasm, which deeply hurt Xiao Qing.
His heart hurts so much that he has an impulse to put his hand over Su Wan’s eyes and not see the thick sarcasm in her eyes.
He thought so and realized that it was because he reached out with his hands and didn’t touch Su Wan when he heard footsteps behind him, and then a cold-blooded overbearing sound came up. "Let her go. Didn’t you hear what she said?" Someone sent her around. "
Xiao Qing and Su Wan turned around and saw that the noble domineering man slowly came along with a cold charm and gloomy eyes. After coming, he looked at Xiao Qing and stretched out his hand and tugged at Su Wan directly in front of Xiao Qing, pulling her to the outside of the hall.
Su Wan was strongly pulled by him to walk outside the temple, and his hand was very painful. Think again about this guy’s previous cold face, and he couldn’t help but struggle with the fire. She struggled and drank "Xiao Huang, what are you smoking? Let me go!"
It’s a pity that Su Wan’s words didn’t work at all.
On the contrary, Aunt Bai Qinbai behind her saw that her little master looked pale, and her body was in a rage. She moved and floated, and in a blink of an eye, she stopped Xiao Huang and Su Wan. Then she coldly stared at Xiao Huang and shouted, "Let my lady go quickly."
Aquamarine also followed by stopped Xiao Huang way a face of discontent cold hum a way "you are quick to put my wan elder sister you hurt her"
Aquamarine with a pair of eyes mercilessly stare at Xiao Huang seems to be Xiao Huang scratch pain is her own hand.
Xiao Huang heard aquamarine and quickly turned around and looked at the past. If he saw Su Wan frowning with pain, his heart ached and he quickly relaxed a little, but a big hand still clung to Su Wan’s hand.
He is arrogant and overbearing, looking at Bai Qin’s eyes, full of bloodthirsty murderous look, and the whole body is constantly surging. People will know that he is angry at first sight. When this person gets angry, it means that he kills Bai Baiqin, which is naturally clear, but she is afraid that this person will hurt her own young lady and will not let it happen.
"You are quick to let our young lady go."
Bai Qin still persistent cried Xiao Huang suddenly smile eyebrow eye ling cold rage, raise my hand a strength and coagulate his hand.
Su Wan saw him and knew that if this man was crazy, Bai Qin and Aquamarine were definitely not his opponents. She quickly shouted "Aunt Aquamarine, you can retire."
Bai Qin and aquamarine cried "Miss"
Su Wan shook his head. "Nothing will happen."
At this time, many people around noticed that Bai Qin and Aquamarine didn’t want to make a scene, and they were not very good at their own reputation. They had to give Xiao Huang a hard stare and then went back.
Su Wan turned around and glared at Xiao Huang after drinking Bai Qin and Aquamarine. "What do you want to do?"
Now that she is dizzy, she really doesn’t want to tangle with this guy.
Xiao Huang ignored her and took her all the way away from Yuet Hua Palace.
Behind him, Hui Wang Xiao Qing and Ning Wang Xiao Ye and others can’t say how ugly and gloomy they are, but they have no choice but to take Xiao Huang.

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